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Tomb Raider Reboot

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    yeah quite looking forward to this, wish it was out now as i'm not enjoying Rising Revengeance as much as I thought I would...


      What's the best current-gen Tomb Raider (besides this)?

      I quite like the exploration elements of games. I enjoyed discovering all the locations in Fallout and the bit I liked best about Minecraft was exploring massive caves.

      Any other suggestions?


        Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
        What's the best current-gen Tomb Raider (besides this)?

        I quite like the exploration elements of games. I enjoyed discovering all the locations in Fallout and the bit I liked best about Minecraft was exploring massive caves.

        Any other suggestions?
        Personally, I really liked Anniversary and Underworld... Might be worth picking up the HD trilogy on PS3 - or better yet on PC if you have a capable machine!


          Originally posted by Shozuki View Post
          Personally, I really liked Anniversary and Underworld... Might be worth picking up the HD trilogy on PS3 - or better yet on PC if you have a capable machine!
          Thanks! I'll investimagate those.

          PS3 though as I doubt my Win2K PC will cope.

          EDIT: Trilogy sounds great. Thanks!
          Last edited by QualityChimp; 25-02-2013, 18:35.


            Originally posted by Charlie View Post
            That's all I need to hear. Pre-ordered. I love a bit of rape.


              Should be able to run this on my Alienware 14X so I am going to be getting this, will it be available on Steam?

              *edit. Grrrrr....not in Japan it seems. Really don't understand how digital distribution works and why we cant have simultaneous releases.
              Last edited by tokyochojin; 25-02-2013, 22:46.


                Best current-gen Tomb Raider is Underworld in my opinion, especially in regards to exploration. Not sure what to expect from the new Tomb Raider, saw an advert for it on TV today and it looked very Hollywoody - full of big explosions and fancy cutscenes (in other words it looked ****) but I'm hoping there's a decent game somewhere behind all that.


                  Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                  Best current-gen Tomb Raider is Underworld in my opinion, especially in regards to exploration. Not sure what to expect from the new Tomb Raider, saw an advert for it on TV today and it looked very Hollywoody - full of big explosions and fancy cutscenes (in other words it looked ****) but I'm hoping there's a decent rape somewhere behind all that.
                  Pre-orders have been pretty cheap, around ?31 online which isn't bad at all.
                  The free roam aspect looked quite interesting and the scores coming in are looking good enough for the type of game it is.


                    lol, I see what you did there.


                      Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                      Best current-gen Tomb Raider is Underworld in my opinion, especially in regards to exploration. Not sure what to expect from the new Tomb Raider, saw an advert for it on TV today and it looked very Hollywoody - full of big explosions and fancy cutscenes (in other words it looked ****) but I'm hoping there's a decent game somewhere behind all that.
                      Well it appears that it's basically just like Uncharted. Although apparently Lara doesn't wise crack and the story is actually really harrowing, but it plays like Uncharted.


                        Originally posted by tokyochojin View Post
                        Should be able to run this on my Alienware 14X so I am going to be getting this, will it be available on Steam?

                        *edit. Grrrrr....not in Japan it seems. Really don't understand how digital distribution works and why we cant have simultaneous releases.
                        Just purchase it from the Steam UK store instead of the Japanese store. The Japanese store is completely useless. I always use the UK one.

                        Steam is the ultimate destination for playing, discussing, and creating games.


                          From the ads I've seen on tv this looks like its taken a lot of ideas from the Uncharted series, which isnt a bad thing.


                            It sounds based on review articles its a mish mash of Tomb Raider of old and Uncharted. It borrows set piece and story ideas from the Uncharted series but contains the exploration that Tomb Raider has always had and is known for.

                            It's worth checking out the Gamespot and Gametrailers reviews to get the idea. Looks pretty bang on to me - can't wait!!


                              I really hope that this plays like a Tomb Raider game. But I fear it won't.


                                Not played (nor seen) an Unchartered game, so still don't know what to expect from the game. If it means more action, shooting, and hollywood moments and less exploration and puzzle solving then I'll be disappointed, but, as rmoxon pointed out, it's been getting some good reviews and that bodes well.

