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Project Beast - From Software

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    Project Beast - From Software

    Rumoured new game from From Software for PS4.

    Neogaf thread. More images in the thread.


    Demon Souls 2


      Despite the shotgun I'm gonna put my head firmly into a Dark Souls 3 space. It looks very similar


        Working title? looks very Souls-like, they even use fog clouded doors. so this could be Darks Souls 3 as establishing another similar franchise next to Dark Souls wouldn't make much sense, would it?
        Last edited by Uli; 03-05-2014, 12:41.


          A more action-oriented shooter-brawler like DMC/Bayonetta/whatever? I don't think they would announce/show a new Souls game with so little time between DS2 and this.


            Yep, Demon Souls 2. The Sony E4 show cant come soon enough

            The pic on the steps has to be a fog gate


              Be interesting if it is a Demon's Soul 2, hardly seems worthwhile making one with Dark Souls so recent and in full swing.


                Originally posted by Uli View Post
                Working title? looks very Souls-like, they even use fog clouded doors. so this could be Darks Souls 3 as establishing another similar franchise next to Dark Souls wouldn't make much sense, would it?
                Id guess after the success of the Dark Souls games, Sony thought, hang on we still own the rights to Demon Souls. Cash changes hands, new Souls game exclusive to PS4.


                  Youtube user Vahti Viddya (I think that's his handle) made a video recently collecting information on the possibility of this being Demon Souls 2. It makes for interesting viewing and I don't see why Demon Souls and Dark Souls couldn't run side-by-side. As long as the entries come out after reasonable development cycles (2-3 years minimum, none of that yearly lark as that tends to be the death knell for interest with most franchises (fighting game updates aside).

                  Who doesn't want more difficult RPG journeying?


                    Dark is the casual version of Demon's. I'd be on it like a car bonnet.
                    Kept you waiting, huh?


                      None of the big sites have reported this news at all (NDA i guess) so no way is this a fake as some first thought. Project Beast, Project Dark= Beast Souls as some are calling it on the net?


                        First vid,

                        Last edited by charlesr; 30-05-2014, 14:26.


                          Certainly looks like its going to be Demons Souls 2.


                            Umbasa! Praise the sun etc.


                              Gah - what's that dribbling down my leg?! It's excitement jizz!

