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Lost Odyssey

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    erk.. Just reached Disk4. Which won't install on my xbox -looks like disk reading errors, however it's in much better nick then alot of my other disks. I'll try to play through but..

    Anyone fancy lending me theirs if I get stuck? If not off to the DVD repair man.

    *update* yep - xbox won't read the bloody disk. Pretty pretty please could someone lend me disk 4? OR does anyone know a good disk repair service?
    Last edited by k0pp0; 21-07-2012, 22:52.


      So - disk issues sorted a while back and finally completed the game.

      I can't recommend it enough - yes it can be a bit slow in places and one of the temples is a pain in the arse and navigating the map is slow.. But it's just a wonderful game. I've finally finished (bar one dlc battle I'm going to win tonight), and I loved every minute of it. I engaged with the characters, laughed at the odd bit and the story telling although morbid at times was emotional and compelling.

      For a 2008 game it's a belter - best thing I've played in donkeys years. Do yourself a favour and pick it up - it costs practically NOWT!

