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Saw - 360

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    Saw - 360

    Completed this last week so i thought id post my thoughts.

    First impressions reminded me very much of the recent Silent Hill release, dark and gloomy, perfect setting for jigsaw to hatch his latest puzzles.

    Soon as the game starts your faced with a puzzle to remove a contraption from your head before it explodes, easy enough, then you have to complete various challenges usually within a time limit to avoid some kind of grizzly death.

    Puzzles are easy enough to complete without much difficulty and the enemys are easy enough to dispose off too.

    Lots of easy achievements which should allow most players to get the 1000 on one playthrough. Probably about 6 hours to complete so id recommend a rental rather than a buy. Prob not a game to replay over and over regardless how much you love the game.

    Stays very much to the theme of the films with various people that require your help in order to avoid dying a horrible death..

    Still a very enjoyable game if not a bit short but well worth a blast. out on US 360 release now or sometime in november for the pal gamers.

    7/10 from me, would of been higher but for the shortness of the game and the fact it didnt really feel a game to be replayed more than once.