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Kane and Lynch 2 - Dog Days

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    I am on the 3rd mission in on this, never played a K&L game before and am quite enjoying it. The gameplay seems to be rather unremarkable but the deaths come quickly if you are not careful making things more intense. The setting and graphic style are very endearing, very impressed by that, especially the sweat-shop location. For the most part I forget Kane even exists, I take it he plays more of a part later on in the game. I dont imagine the story mode to be particularly long, had a quick look at the Arcade mode which shows promise.


      One nice thing about the Arcade mode is that it also levels up your online ranking, giving access to the better guns so you don't get completely creamed by the other players when you start (the gun imbalance is pretty big online).


        Completed this the other day, and errm, im glad i only paid 12 quid for it.

        What an increadabley boring looking game, it seems like I spent 3 hours (which is about all it took to complete on hard) running around the same area over and over again shooting people whod spawn directly infront of you when you walked over a certain point.

        Technicaly it felt really cheap and tacky, half the time people were talking and their lips didnt even move. and Im not sure what to make of the games look, kinda stylish but so gritty that it relaly just added to the lack of variety in the environments.

        The actual gameplay was much better than the original but still very flawed, the cover system worked for most parts, even though half the time enemies have such pin pooint acuracy they can shoot you anyway, yet of course you cant shoot them unless they stick their body out in plain view. The guns are all pea shooters and for some reason the shotguns are more accurate from long range than the machine guns.

        Just a bit of a mess really.

        On the plus side the arcade mode is actualy alot of fun and the multiplayer would probabaly be good if anyone still played it which takes the overall quality of the package up from rubbish to average, but as a single player experience its pretty woeful. Havent tried co-op yet, but that would probabaly make it even more fruistrating as at least in Single player your A.I. partner cant die and does kill plenty of enemies for you.
        Last edited by rmoxon; 01-12-2010, 11:55.


          Brought this for £4 on the steam sale, was enjoying up till the you get into the ship yard and for some reason the aiming view changed, can't tell if it a bug or it suppose to be like that but its moved the camera behind the head when aiming so i can no long see what im shooting at.. so annoying.


            That's definitely a bug, don't recall seeing that at all on the 360 version.


              Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
              Clocked the original two nights back, really, incredibly liked/loved elements of it, even though much of it was a masochistic trudge, even tried the awkward multiplayer, *had* to download the demo.

              As I'm so fresh off the original, and thusly can notice immediate differences, I can straightaway say that the aiming/damage problem seems like it's immediately been rectified, it's massively better than the original (ALL my distant headshots, close-up gutshots/headshots have been honoured by instant deaths from the enemies involved).

              As for the visuals, they've added a 'sleaze filter', it looks like old VHS (in the demo, so far), it works rather well but is obviously there to improve the framerate, it reminds me of watching 70s Old Grey Whistle Test vids on Youtube, and that's a decent thing. First thing I noticed: reduced beard textures. Kane & Lynch have smoother hair, this time around.

              Like I say, I'm just playing the demo, though will HAVE to buy the full game, soonish, seems like a much better version of a massively flawed thing I somehow have massive love for(?)
              Jazzfunk, even though you're me, you're a massively naive c*nt, this game is shorter than Verne Troyer's cock and - just like the first game - is ABSOLUTELY THE SAME ALL THE WAY THROUGH and basically consists of one level stretched into a whole game.

              It's one of those games where I played for a bit, browsed the net for a bit, it's quite playable but not particularly fun to play, it's a bit chore-ish to play for more than 40 minutes at a time, think in total I must've pumped around 5/6 hours max into this, was v. surprised when escaping Shanghai that I'd actually clocked the game (!!!) Don't get me wrong, I don't mind short, good games that you can replay but short, mediocre games that are practically a waste of gaming time, they are baaaaad. It might've been a semi-decent DLC pack for the original, a full game this is not.

              Given how I just finished Deadly Premonition, I must be looking down on this from a great, great height but though it manages a few choice moments (the 'naked n' slashed' episode, Lynch & Xiu, some lush Shanghai streets that really channel Shenmue) it totally eschews the interesting, broken 'brotherhood' between K & L that slowly developed during the first game, this time around it's just another crime shooter with loads of swearing, the script feels way less interesting, lazy.

              Best thing I can say is that gunplay is way neater, everything else is much less interesting than the original (which was broken to f*ck to begin with).

              Just hoping online is decent, I liked online in the original.
              Last edited by JazzFunk; 31-03-2011, 01:54.


                I am enjoying this quite a bit at the moment. Just the single player mind, but the mood and 'John woo' ness of the game play come across well.

                Even the graphics which seem ps2 like don't seem to bother.

                Anyone still not rinsed this and fancy co-op on 360?


                  Yo, I have this!

                  I picked it up for ?2 I think in the Game fire sale.

                  QualityChimp is my handle!

