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Lord of Arcana ( PSP Demo )

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    Lord of Arcana ( PSP Demo )

    So Square Enix are jumping on the monster hunter bandwagon. Is there anybody left to jump on, with God Eater and PSO. Well the demo is on the US PSN.
    So into the game and you make a character male/female, then choose a weapon, sword/mace/2 sword/poleaxe/lance, this sounds very original
    So you start off with a small tutorial in some random dungeon, the graphics looks good, but just on a par with monster hunter. The R button makes you dash, square is normal hit, triangle -special, circle - magic , you also have a lock on with L . As you do hits and combos your meter at the top fills up, fill it full then press triangle circle and a super special summon ala FF apears and does that attack from above most FF games have, bahamut here. So you fight some monsters until you get to boss dragon , kill him then your taken to a village where you sign up to a guild to do a trial quest , so far so monster hunter , you also have QTE events on bosses and some enemies , very GoW . So far it just feels like a mash of the two games i mentioned monster hunter + GoW = Lord of Arcana.