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Bloodline Champions ( PC )

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    Bloodline Champions ( PC )

    Well i download this free to play game and im enjoying it. Its a online PVP fast paced combat arena game, kinda in the DOTA style but has its own look and feel and its very well put together.
    There 3 games types as of now Arena, which is TDM, but you only have 1 life , you can rez people with F2 but pretty hard when people are trying to kill you. Next is conquest, a DOM type game where there is 3 points, the first team to own all 3 wins the game, infinite respawn while you hold a shrine. And lastly Capture the Artifact , CTF for this game world.

    So now onto the bloodlines which are you character classes, i will give the 4 generic types, then i will detail each character in that class. So you have Healing,Ranged Damage,Tank and Melee Damage.


    Alchemist - With their strong support capabilities the Alchemist can turn the tide of any battle using their potent healing and incapacitating abilities.

    Psychopomps -The Psychopomps control the battlefield through healing and powerful debilitating effects. While weak on their own, their abilities make allied attacks more effective.

    Herald of Insight - Possessing strong support abilities the Heralds warp space and time, turning their enemies against themselves while keeping their allies protected.

    Astronomer - Able to switch stances between sun and moon, the Astronomer is able to either do powerful ranged damage or potent healing, switching between the two on the fly.

    Blood Priest -
    The Blood Priest is a master of taking life from the blood of the fallen and using the energy of the blood in cruel rituals to channel their dark magic. However, even without sacrifice they stand as prominent fighters on the battlefield, only matched by their perverted, decaying visages.

    Ranged Damage

    Igniter - Igniters are masters of ranged combat, using their fire magic to deal large amounts of damage both to single targets and crowds. Extremely weak in close combat, the Igniters keep their distance by teleporting across the battlefield.

    Gunner - The Gunners can deal an immense amount of damage to a single target at a long range while ensuring their own survival through stealth and cunning tricks.

    Nomads - The Nomads are fast, flexible and deadly. Their boomerangs can easily overwhelm the enemy with the ability to hit several targets at once. This, coupled with great crowd control abilities, helps them control the flow of the battle. However, they have a hard time fleeing from an enemy once cornered.

    Engineers - Engineers bring a vast array of tricks and gadgets to the field of battle, ranging from shrink rays to flamethrowers and jetpacks.

    Seeker -


    Glutton- Possessing both physical strength and earth magic, the Gluttons wreak havoc upon their enemies. Though mainly melee damage dealers, they have some ranged abilities as well as the ability to heal themselves.

    Vanguards - Vanguards thrive in close combat with their great survivability and their ability to incapacitate enemies. Though mainly limited to melee abilities they can deal a great amount of damage if left unchecked.

    Inhibitor - Inhibitors thrive in the midst of combat where they can catch incoming projectiles and use them to displace themselves on the battlefield, turning enemy projectile spells on their owners.

    Thorn - The Thorn is a tank to be reckoned with, able to dig and burrow through the ground while rooting and snaring enemies.

    Guardian - Unlockable character with in game currency

    Melee Damage

    Harbingers - Harbingers heal themselves through dealing melee damage, complementing their potent debilitating magic

    Spear Masters - The Spear Masters are experts at dealing melee damage and avoiding enemy damage through improving their own capabilities and incapacitating their opponents.

    Ranid Assassin - The Ranid Assassins are agile warriors, using stealth and acrobatics to give them an edge on the battlefield. Their blades can deal high damage over a short period of time while their poisons keep foes from getting away. Foregoing armor for mobility, they rely on deception to stay alive.

    Raveners- Raveners bash enemies with their dual maces, aggressively moving across the battlefield in a fury of blows.

    Stalker - another classes only available through unlocking

    So the controls are your standard WASD, and you have a skill bar rather like Guild Wars though you cant purchase skills , every class has the same skill, Q E and R let you use your skills and F is a super skill you can use when you super skill bar fills up through damage or doing damage.

    You also Solo play to let you learn the game, online with 2V2, 3V3 up to 5V5, also have ladders and tournaments, ladders have solo play where your grouped with 3 random people at your skill level, Team lets 2-4 of your mates join up and kick butt and tournaments are coming.
    Hopefully a few people will check out this cool and inovative game, plus its mostly free and you can buy things but it never powers you up.

    Last edited by MisterBubbles; 19-01-2011, 05:05.