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Ar Tonelico Qoga

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    I'm going to stop playing this. I'm probably very close to the true end but the more this goes on, the worse it gets.

    I don't care about the characters (the two main reyvatalis haven't contributed anything to the plot for about 5 hours of gameplay), the plot is just being made up as it goes along and is aimless. I'm tired of getting incredibly vague directions of where to go in mazes with no maps, the reused assets, the boring fights. I was wandering around aimlessly looking where to go for an hour as I seem to be trapped

    Up Tower A Tyria has just reset harvestra's personality, the only lift down for the section won't let me board it.

    The ending of Saki's cosmosphere was boring and uneventful too.

    It's gone from being a flawed game to a bad game.


      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
      I seem to be trapped
      , down the stairs and right, there's the exit to the world map.


        Ah, I may stick with it to the end. It can't be much longer given that they're literally running out of characters who right/befriend.

        It's been a long time since I've played a game where I've had to wander around aimlessly and/or look up directions so much. Really dissapointed at how much worse than AT2 this game has ended up.


          Nope, I'm stopping this.

          Diving into Tyria is painful. Huge amounts of text and going to different locations (so you can't just skip it) Do a bad choice? Start from scratch!

          I don't care enough about the story to stick with this. AT3 has kinda turned out to be the biggest dissapointment of 2011 for me so far.

