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State of decay review

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    State of decay review

    Ive played a couple of hours of this today and when i started this game I really dident enjoy it. The first five minutes dont show it in the best light and it appears to have no redeeming features whatsoever. bad graphics, poor repetitive sound bytes, a 3rd person mele combat system that's been lifted straight out of the dark ages, and some pretty non threatening quickly despatched zombies, but I persevered, and after the very long demo it gives you I could see that there was some fun to be had with this game, if you can get past it's flaws.

    it wasn't until I got to the church that I saw the potential of the game world, Here I have a whole town at my feet to loot and explore, a base to fortify and supply, and a town crawling with the undead. Why a sandbox game of this style hasnt been attempted before and with a bigger budget is anyones guess.

    So if you can look past it's flaws and fancy a walking dead style game that puts you in charge of your players health, your groups moral and safety in a pretty fun but rough package. there really isn't anything like it, and I bet its great played in co-op.

    Was just reading a review of it, sounds pretty hardcore, like the Dark Souls of Zombie games.

    there is no co-op btw
    Last edited by EvilBoris; 05-06-2013, 23:22.


      Its not that hardcore...been playing hours and not died once!
      Its also very buggy, my food storage space is apparently allowed a maximum of 25 and loses 14 per day.. Its not losing anything and is at 99/25! So nobody needs food.

      Plus Lots of crazy zombie physics..

      Am enjoying it quite a bit so far though. Kept me from my bed til 5 am !
      Last edited by BaronSqwelch; 06-06-2013, 10:43.


        the developers are talking about adding a co-op / multiplayer mode if the main game does well enough to warrant it.

        really enjoying this, and been wanting this kind of game for a long time. Its abit rough round the edges (to put it mildly) but theres a lot to love.


          When I first played it my impressions were WTF ropey graphics,sound drop out and frame rate issues
          But then I started to explore the camp sites and enjoyed it.Hope this does well enough to en corporate co-op which would be great


            It feels very cheap. Things like how it seems like its missing cut scenes that should be there are hard to ignore and don't leave a good first impression. Plus I had only been playing it a few minutes and I had to quit due to being stuck in a wall.

            Will try again at a latter date, but what I did play seemed a bit crap.
            Last edited by rmoxon; 06-06-2013, 23:56.


              Really have to stick to this past the first area, first impressions were not good for this but then I found I'd been playing it for 3-4 hours straight and am really looking forward to another session on it, I hope it does well enough to have a sequel with bigger budget/co-op as there is some real potential in there.


                It's a grower as I said in my post I started it thinking it was the worst game I've played in a long Time, but I'm enjoying the scavenger nature of it at the moment running about finding resources to improve my base and rescuing the odd survivor, its janky but its fun.
                Last edited by Lebowski; 09-06-2013, 20:17.


                  How are you finding the glitches, like with infestations?

                  I bought it but am still waiting for the patch to get through clearance.


                    How many points does this cost please?


                      Its 1600 points.

                      Given up on it though...fed up of having to do about 6 missions to keep everyone happy every time you turn it on. Then a food run, then your guy is tired and then its time to turn off as I am not a teenager with unlimited game time.

                      As for glitches...other than my only dead characters belongings disappearing under the floor nothing has been too bad. Had no problems clearing infestations.
                      The glitch I thought I had with supplies not depleting was due to the weird use of 'days'. Despite it having a day/night cycle it actually uses real days instead.


                        Not had an issue with a lack of anything here's how

                        if you search a house and find a food cache leave it, clear the house and set it up as an outpost, it should then diplay on the map what type of rescorce it supplys your main home hub. the number of outposts you have is only limited by your survivor count I currently have one delivering food automaticly and a one delivering building materials daily.

                        And if your guys tired swap to another I've found that swapping between charicters is a must to level them up I lost my main guy (the start charicter) to a big fat zombie he tore my guy in half if you can't select anyone to swap to take them on a mission with you once you have become more friendly with them it will let you use them.

                        Moral is easy to keep high cook a big meal, do a zed hunt, or clear out a few infestations, taking disgruntled people out on missions improves moral too as you give them a talking too and it normaly solves issues and stops them sapping moral.

                        The glitchy frame rate and such hasn't caused me any issues so far the only slowdown that becomes really noticeable is when you tend to drive through hordes it's nothing game breaking though, was reading that this game uses the cry engine hopefully the devs will patch this as it looks like its sold well.
                        Last edited by Lebowski; 12-06-2013, 22:42.


                          PC version has just hit Steam Early Access, controller only at the moment.
                          The end is here. Life as you knew it has gone to hell after the mother of all zombie outbreaks. Now you and the few scattered survivors must band together to survive and rebuild in a 3rd-person action game set in a dynamic open world.


                            Sorry for bumping an old thread diden't want to make a new one but has anybody bought the recently released year one edtion?


                              The thing I think that's missing from this which has stopped me going back is the lack of co-op this games screaming out for it imagine four of you all working towards your base exploring and going on missions together, it would be like walking dead the video game.

