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Card Hunter (PC) review

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    Card Hunter (PC) review

    So do you like old school D&D? If so ive got a cool mix of video game with old school board game feel to it. Card Hunter is the game. It played on a board and you have old school modules which you play. Theses are your usual scenario's such as invade a monsters lair and kill all the orcs and raid the treasure. Most modules are 2-4 battles, ie you win a battle and move onto the next battle till you either win or die, you have 3 re-tries to complete the module.

    There is different types of heroes you can recruit Warrior, Wizard & Priest, with dwarf, human and elves as selectable races, all having different abilities and traits.

    Completing modules in single player campaign unlocks loot which you can apply to your hero. These weapons and stuff and come on cards which have various stats and things, some may have you dashing quickly, some have mighty smashes of your weapon, so there is a lot of strategy involved.
    There is also a multiplayer part where you either play the AI or a fellow human.

    The game is really fun and super addictive, im not sure the club is good value, as it is mostly free to play, the club gives you extra loot but you have to pay a monthly sub for this and this seems a little expensive at the moment, you can also buy chests with gold made in game or super loot with IAP.
    Well here is the details of the beta sign up, i hope a few of the forumites sign up and maybe get a few games together,

    Last edited by MisterBubbles; 27-08-2013, 10:52.