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Transistor PS4/PC review

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    Transistor PS4/PC review

    Just started on this but thought i would post some impressions and fill in others on how the game plays, its similar to Bastion in that its a top down isometric game where the protagonist has to cut there way through levels of enemies, The environments are mix of cyber punk and Art Deco which is very cool, where this differs form bastion is that it has a turn based system which is very reminiscent of Frozen Synapse, you can pause time and load up your moves and move about freely, its not a RPG menu simulator though so don't worry the game-play feels very instant.

    I wasn't sure about the pause time element reading about as i prefer my game to be more instant, but it works really well and still keeps the game play fun intense and varied. you start off with four attacks which are on the four pad face buttons and Planing out your moves means maximizing your attack while also leaving yourself in a good defensive position, as when your attack is over you have a short recharge period before you can attack again, this leaves you very vulnerable.

    I have found a couple of different augments so far and i was quite happy that the game lets you choose how you would like to use these of the bat. I added a ricochet augment to my cluster bomb attack and found this worked really well on the first large enemy's, but i imagine others will add it to one of the different attacks to gain different tactical ability's. the first large enemies where very resistant to certain attacks so straight away i had to mix my tactics up to beat them.

    so yeah its great It has excellent sound design with a cool narration element again, the soundtrack is brilliant and fits in very well with the cyber punk environment. go download it, and if you enjoyed bastion these a lot to like here.

    Great first impressions Lebowski. Come on all you ps4 owners, show this game some love will ya


      Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
      Great first impressions Lebowski. Come on all you ps4 owners, show this game some love will ya
      Was looking to get this but with Watch Dogs,Wolfenstein PS4 and R type on PS3 I ain't got the time


        I picked it up...found it boring to be honest. Loved Bastion but this had none of the "likeability".

        Looks awesome and there is quite a lot of variety with the functions but gameplay wise it didn't grab me at all. Started NG+ but realised I can't be bothered so deleted it.


          I'm enjoying Transistor. It looks and sounds stunning and there's plenty to tinker with re. weapon/upgrade combos. I did prefer the more immediate combat in Bastion, no doubt about it, but am still hooked. It's the trippy atmosphere and story telling more than anything. I'm not entirely sure why but at times I'm getting Killer 7 vibes when reading the new broadcasts. Might be the sound or the uncomfortable feel to it. Either way, top game.


            Really enjoying the couple of hours I have played of this. Looks incredible and really love the combat system the first thing that came to mind was Vagrant Story which I also love. Great Action RPG, and the mechanics are rather deep in Transistor trying to swap out each Function is nice to experiment. The story is a bit confusing and very text heavy I feel but enjoying the detail within this.


              Just got this game 'gratis' via PS+ and it is fantastic. Amazingly elegant, not only in script, acting and overall artwork and sound, but also in the combat systems (the way you can set up and combine your powers and the way you use them). Also impressed by the way different combinations open up new plot and character details. The 'Limiters' idea is a really cool way to add challenge, and the challenge maps off the main story are brilliant too. Such a thoughtful game, quite complex in its systems but not a tutorial in sight. Really refreshing.
              Last edited by Golgo; 12-02-2015, 10:17.


                Not tried the game yet (is sat waiting thanks to PS+).

                Thought this dashboard theme was pretty good though


                  Anyone who's playing for first time don't forget to switch Transistor's voice to come out through the gamepad speaker, very nice touch and adds to the atmosphere.


                    Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                    Anyone who's playing for first time don't forget to switch Transistor's voice to come out through the gamepad speaker, very nice touch and adds to the atmosphere.
                    Ooh, ta! Gonna pinch that theme, too.


                      Finished this, was excellent. Even though it got a bit too chatty in the end with a ton of over-writing and narration, which half helped to disguise the fact that the game is basically a long line of staged combat encounters that you can't deviate form in any way, the combat itself remained stimulating and surprising. The ease with which you can quickly combine and experiment with radically different load-outs is masterful, and puts other RPGs with their bloated menus and systems to shame. I would've liked a fraction of freedom to explore the world a bit, but even so this is the best and most affecting indie game I've played since Journey.


                        Nearly finished 2nd playthrough of this beautiful game, mostly to unlock the higher level optional challenges. Finished the last of them last night, and I found them really tough. The final Performance challenge took me an hour and half of anxious planning, after two previous fails. At risk of repeating myself, the loadout/limiter system in this game is pure genius and really rewards experimentation - indeed, it forces it. I'd be happy to shell out for extra challenge modes and the Agency challenges suggest a PVP MP mode might work too, perhaps 3 vs 3 - would be intriguing. Might actually be the first game in my life I'll be bothered to try to 'platinum' (only a few trophies away), as the requirements mostly represent proper gameplay challenges rather than the usual busywork/collect-a-thons, random events or grinding. If you've 'libraried' this off PS+ but haven't got round to trying it yet, I'd recommend it. Can't wait to see what Supergiant come out with next.
                        Last edited by Golgo; 28-05-2015, 12:17.

