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V Rising [PC]

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    V Rising [PC]

    It's a PC exclusive for the PC Master Race, take that console plebs

    I've put about 10 hours into this game and there are things I like and things I really don't like about it. The game is still in early access, so need to bear that in mind but it's also well along the development process, so there's a lot here for the £15 asking price.

    The game is part survival, part MOBO & part RPG. You are a newly risen vampire and must progress through a number of bosses in order to improve your skills and blueprints (so you can create equipment), which will ultimately allow you to build a bigger and better castle.

    This is all done from a 3D isometric viewpoint (the whole ARPG style), but the camera can be rotated about and zoomed in. One thing I would like to be able to do is to move the camera further, but sadly the view to the horizontal is limited a bit too high for my liking. You get used to it.

    Before you start, you get to choose the type of environment you want to play in. These are PVE, PVP, and PVP Full Loot - you can also run a private server and make it LAN only if you want to; a private server will allow you to tweak a whole load of game host options, such as the length of the day/night cycles, resource availability, damage, and health multipliers, when castles can be raided, how big they can be built and how close together they can be, decay rates and all sorts of other things (there are a lot of them). Huge amounts of customisability that can be tweaked.

    If you're playing on official servers, you'll be stuck with the game's defaults, so you better git gud. Being a new vampire, you are weak - if you venture anywhere without care you will die. The difficulty hardcore will love it. However, combat can become a little bit of a chore and can be a challenge at first before you can improve equipment and gain skills. This leads to one of my bugbears tho.

    The majority of the skills and equipment are locked behind boss battles. Beating bosses and draining their blood unlocks skills and equipment that you can build in your castle and these then allow you to create better kit. There are some research gains available at random by collecting paper (every collection of 50 papers used at a research desk will give a random recipe), but if you can't beat bosses, you will get stuck (and if you move too far away from a boss - or the boss runs too far from you it will return to full health). Whilst it is possible to solo play, I think the game is more geared towards clan play. If you go on a PVP, it's really expecting clans of 4, although there is a mode for smaller clans (you'll get hammered if you try to solo against 4 member clans).

    As a vampire, you are sensitive to sunlight and the game has day/night cycles (and garlic and silver - you can offset these effects with potions, you won't have potions when you start). I'm not sure I really like this aspect of the game. You can still move about by sticking to the shadows in the environments, but it limits your ability. As the enemies are plentiful, attack you en masse and respawn quickly, if you get caught out in the sun on top of battles you'll die even faster. You can tease enemies by aggroing them towards you and using the environment to limit their attacks, but it can be tricky.

    You're also going to need to feed. Although you have a separate health stat, feeding on blood feeds into this. Your blood supply will slowly decrease with time, but you can feed on enemies you've whittled the health down of, and this will give you stat bonuses. Feed on a warrior and you'll get a combat boost for example. The quality of the person you feed on will depend on what those stat boosts are.

    The environments are great and the map is pretty huge, but the areas you can survive in will depend on your level - travel too far outside of the starting area early and you will die. Again. Golems will one-hit kill you. Treants will one-hit kill you. Run away. In the environments, you'll do resource gathering, and this can take ages. You'll be doing a lot of it and get annoyed - there will be resources you can't get as you don't have the ability to create it, and here's another thing I don't like - there's a kind of cyclic barrier against you - you'll need certain resources to build equipment and kit so you can kill certain bosses, but you won't be able to create those resources without beating those bosses so you can get the blueprints for the kit you need to produce it. Instead, you'll be relying on random loot drops from enemies. Where you get them is shown on the map (different areas are more likely to give you certain drops) - but this is a massive grind.

    The final thing that irritates me is you move soooooooooo slowly - sometimes so slowly that you won't be fast enough to close on an enemy (you do have ranged attacks too, but miss and you'll be countered) - also your ability to dodge has an 8-second cooldown :/. Even once you unlock wolf form or get a horse, it's still slow getting anywhere (did I mention the map is big). There are teleports, but if you're carrying any resources, you won't be able to use them (you can only teleport with weapons). Also, you'll need to have unlocked the teleports.

    So yes, whilst I think the game is fairly decent overall (and well worth the £14) - there are a lot of niggles. Combat begins to get in the way, you'll get to a point where you're stuck in a progress loop and you'll quit. Then want to play it some more.

    So, this is one of the best indy survival games I've played, but with it comes all the caveats of this type of game, and this one needs some more balancing for me to 100% enjoy it. But like I said, run your own server and you can pretty much eliminate the day/night cycle entirely if you want, you'll just need lots of friends wanting to join the server if you don't want to solo.

    As per my 365 challenge post - 8 nosferatus out of 10.
    Last edited by MartyG; 05-07-2022, 12:11.