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Pinball FX (it's the new one)

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    Pinball FX (it's the new one)

    Pinball FX

    Your old maps from FX3 don't carry over, it has fake currencies to disguise the costs of cosmetic microtransactions (in a pinball game!!11!!one!), there's a "Pinball Pass" which is a monthly subscription to access tables (optional, but WTF?!?), it has input lag (in a pinball game!!!111!!one!). The UI is awful and will reset your filters once you come out of playing a table, requiring you to add your filters back in (WTF?!?).

    The tables, there are a couple of nice new additionals, but they don't feel quite right - can't really put my finger on it (they've changed the ball physics), but Bride of Pinbot plays better in Pinball Arcade The only thing this new game really has going for it is it looks pretty (although you'll need a hefty machine if you want the RT) and it's the only way you can get new tables as FX3 is no longer supported.

    There is a small discount via Steam for tables you own (I did rebuy the Williams tables), but I wouldn't recommend upgrading any of the others - the Steam sale means these "legacy packs" are £3, so £1 a table - the Marvel/Star Wars packs just aren't worth it even then, just stick with FX3 for those.

    Bride of Pinbot, Addams Family, and Twilight Zone are new tables which if you like them are worth looking at (they are good tables) - but that input lag is killer. I could mitigate it somewhat by turning off V-sync and running at 120Hz helped a little bit, but it's not consistent.

    All-in-all I think Zen Studios shot themselves in the foot with this one - and you definitely should not be giving them money for a monthly pass. If you want to play the new tables, you don't really have much choice than via this game.

    You'll get 1-day access to the Pinball Pass when you first play it and there's a free table rotation for the game base, so if you want to experience the new tables, you can do it that way. Oh, it crashed with a UE4 engine error too at one point.

    Last edited by MartyG; 03-07-2023, 08:46.