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New ideas for DS games

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    New ideas for DS games

    Been a while since the last topic so let's throw some about!

    I just sent these up to IGN's iDeaS section.

    Few ideas -

    1) 2 Dimensions

    You have a character that is living out 2 lives at the same time in 2 different dimensions after a strange glitch in time. The game pans out as a platformer/action game with your character being represented in Dimension 1 on the Top Screen and Dimension 2 on the bottom screen. You control him using the D Pad for moving, jumping and ducking and the other buttons for weapons , punches and kicks. Every move you make occurs on both the top and bottom screens at the same time.

    So for instance - On the top screen your character is faced with a man shooting at you and the bottom you have a blob like alien running towards you. Now you could duck to avoid the bullets on Screen 1, but that would leave you in the path of the blob on screen 2, so you have to jump instead to avoid both the bullets and the blob and then attack the gunman. Alternatively you could quickly dispose fo the blob, duck and then attack the gunman.

    The possiblities would be endless and it would be a real thinking man's action game.

    2) Tetris Floods

    A puzzle game where the top screen represents a different setting - Say a fish tank or an oceaqn with a boat on top or a water tank. On the bottom screen you have a series of pipes or bricks or wooden planks depending on the level. Sections of the bottom structure keep popping out and springing leaks. As the water pours in the level lowers on the top screen. You have to use the stylus to click on pieces shaped like the leaking secitons and put them in place to stop the leak.

    You would have score attacks and time challenges. For instance if the boat gets to the rocks at the bottom of the screen it would be game over. If the fish get sucked out of the tank they die and its another game over. You could have a mine floating and if it gets lowered to a certain point of the screen it would detonate.

    Strategy would be provided where you have multiple leaks at once so you would need to decide to block the biggest leak first rather than the small trickle.

    Occasional power ups would allow you to pump some water back up to the top.

    It would be a mad scramble to reach the target time keeping the objective on the top screen intact.

    3) Crazy Chef

    Simple premise. Orders get thrown at you on the top screen. You use the touch screen to create the dish and send it out to the restaurant. All against the clock of course.

    Would need some expansion to be a full game but could certainly get hectic.

    4 Player head to head wireless would be easy to include.

    Anyone else got some new ones?