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[21/09/05] Worrywort

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    [21/09/05] Worrywort

    Maybe I?m a pessimistic so-and-so, but am I the only one who?s really not feeling at all excited about the prospect of the PS3?s million terraflops of performance, or the fact that the Xbox 360 can dance a merry jig on command?

    But hasn?t it always been this way? Hasn?t every new generation been an excuse to claim that ?mine?s way bigger than yours?, show off some ridiculous footage you claim is real time (if Killzone 2 does look like that come release, I shall be very impressed indeed), and proclaim your going to beat your opponent at the tills into a bloody pulp? The sad thing is that as far as I can remember at least, this is exactly what?s always happened.

    Don?t get me wrong, I?m not one to claim that a new set of more powerful consoles that can increase graphical performance ten-fold is a bad thing at all. I?ve found the next gen demo?s as impressive as the next person. But that isn?t to say I?ve found anything at all to get excited about.

    It?s a point that?s been exhausted innumerable times, but where?s the innovation coming from? I?m just simply not ready to pay hundreds of pounds per console, and whatever this new RRP of games is set to be to have the exact same gaming experience that I?m having right now on the current generation.

    Nintendo are seemingly trying to bring something new to the fold with this new controller, but are we really going to have something truly fresh to get excited with coming from it? Are we going to end up with just another control method to progress through a FPS? Am I going to stop posing these questions at some point?

    It?s not like innovation doesn?t sell either. Look at Fahrenheit for example. It might rely on the same rules that many point and click adventure title?s abided to all those years ago, and perhaps through a few too many repetitive quick time events at you throughout the course of a run through, but it?s a gaming experience that hasn?t really been performed before all too often. And best of all, it?s shifting a whole heap of units, plus it?s getting a series of fantastic review scores from critics the world over. And that?s without those in the US being able to ?take part? in those sex scenes.

    I personally simply do not believe that the games industry can survive another full generation, trundling out the same sequels and copy-cat titles that we?ve played numerous times. We?re already looking at a point soon where there?s no more than a handful of development studios, and if the smaller more innovative studios completely disappear/get swallowed up by huge publisher X then where?s the next Katamari Damacy coming from?

    *Just as a little note, apologies for the somewhat rambly and incoherant nature of the above blog. Most was written after having a swift half or two down the pub, and I quite fancy leaving it 'as is' rather than edit it down. Oh, and you should now be ale to leave me comments, and strike up a little conversation/disagree with me.