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Do you read our reviews and features?

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    Originally posted by Strider View Post
    I don't think it's as good as it once was
    I've only been reading for a year. How is the site different / not as good now as in the good old days, apart from the banning of a few characters? Just interested to know what I missed out on as a Jonny-come-late.


      Please stay on topic. This thread is about the reviews, not whether the forum is any different.

      It's interesting that a fair few people read a review even after you've bought the game. For those games where we can't be first to the party, it's good to know there's still an audience. But I'm easily pleased - I'm happy if one person reads my review.
      Last edited by charlesr; 14-02-2007, 07:36.


        Oh and who clicked on "no, I didn't know you did reviews" ? PM me please (or reply here).


          i read pretty much everything that appears - i particularly like the reviews as they are concise and stick to the matter in hand - i use them more than any other outlet when deciding on what game to buy. honest!


            I stick to First Play these days for two reasons: 1) Better to get a general consensus of opinion than that of just one dude, 2) Forgive me for saying this but the reviews seem few and far between and rather slow to appear.

            Plus you can debate the excellence/ ****ness of a game in FP whereas the feedback forum is now defunct so you can't have an open chinwag with the reviewer.


              Originally posted by bingowings View Post
              i read pretty much everything that appears -
              Same here.
              Last edited by charlesr; 14-02-2007, 13:36.


                Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
                Great comments.

                My feeling is that a score is reasonable for "Technical design" (Bugs, control and visuals)

                But a score for "Enjoyment" is not tangiable.

                But I accept I may be in a minority, in which case the scores should stand.
                Thanx, and I see your point.


                  Read the reviews?! I didn't even read this post!

                  Actually I do read some of the reviews but they are often long after the game has released. By the time I read Twilight it was more like a Game Extended feature in Edge. I think I do tend to read the ones I've played more than ones I'm thinking of getting. Reviews don't sway me to buy titles I'm not already interested in. Odd perhaps but true. I am a 35.5 year old gamer though so maybe I've been around the gaming bush too many times.
                  Last edited by iloveannie; 15-02-2007, 07:32.


                    When I was on the old EDGE forums and then migrated over here I read the reviews and they were Gospel. But being an older forum member I find that I've read all the older reviews and First Play is my first port of call.

                    The last stuff I looked at and enjoyed was your exclusive features such as Mr Biffo's interview and Sumo's. They were brillant but recently I looked, before buying F.E.A.R. and Rainbow Six Vegas for NTSC-UK's review. But no reviews are posted.

                    First Play is more realiable and quick for reviews and impressions and I have to admit that I dont really look at your reviews anymore.

                    Dont take them down though if that's the idea!


                      I think I've read three reviews in the four years I've trolled here. I can even tell you what they were... Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX, and Twilight Princess.

                      I really can't fathom how people have time in their lives to work, eat, sleep... and then read videogame reviews. WTF?

                      Some of the features have been alright though. But I really can't understand why I would want to know what X person thinks about X game. I'd rather spend that 120 seconds finding out for myself.
                      Last edited by dataDave; 15-02-2007, 01:49.


                        Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                        But I really can't understand why I would want to know what X person thinks about X game. I'd rather spend that 120 seconds finding out for myself.
                        Well, I want to know because in Japan there aren't any rental shops or places where you can return unwanted games as you can with the GAME chain in the UK (as far as I know). So I like to have a few opinions on the games before I buy them or I could be spending 120 seconds and 7000 yen finding out for myself.

                        Also I have an abundance of free time at work, but not quite the freedom to get the PSP out.

                        It's interesting that a fair few people read a review even after you've bought the game.
                        I do this for several reasons. First, it's nice to feel vindicated in my purchases. Even though it shouldn't matter I think most people feel slightly disgruntled if they buy something and like it only to find that the general consensus is that it's ****e, rather like my downloading Altered Beast on the VC. Also they sometimes explain things I didn't realise about the game. It wasn't until I read a review (not on here) that I discovered how to get a quick start in Ridge Racers, for example.
                        Last edited by DeathAdder; 15-02-2007, 02:47. Reason: to add more comments


                          Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                          I really can't fathom how people have time in their lives to work, eat, sleep... and then read videogame reviews. WTF?
                          Reading them is the easy part...


                            First Play for me, the reviews I've seen weren't as massively wrong as other places tbh (probably because you guys play the **** out of the games before writing them up) but I've grown tired of the whole 'review' structure. If I know X likes Y and then hypes me up on Z its much more useful to me. If I hate Z then X opinion gets questioned in future and Y gets traded - rinse and repeat.

