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Rocksteady Making Silver Age Batman Prequel - Rumour

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    Rocksteady Making Silver Age Batman Prequel - Rumour

    From Joystiq:

    Rocksteady's next game could be yet another Batman adventure, albeit in a new timeline, Variety reports. According to unnamed sources speaking with the film industry publication, Rocksteady's currently at work on a "new, highly stylized" Bats prequel game "that revolves around Batman's first meeting with the Joker."

    This new game ? not expected until 2014 at least ? is supposedly set in the Silver Age of comics. Warner Bros. has yet to confirm the news, and Rocksteady hasn't said a peep about any new projects since Arkham City wrapped last year. And as far as we know, no one's discovered any hidden rooms in Arkham City just yet revealing future games. Hey, it wouldn't be the first time!