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Batman: Arkham Justice

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    Batman: Arkham Justice

    Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment is teaming with Rocksteady Studios, the makers of the acclaimed best-selling video games “Batman: Arkham Asylum” and “Arkham City”, for a third instalment in that series that will introduce ‘Justice League’ characters into the action says Variety. The game is reportedly being developed as a prequel that revolves around Batman’s first […]

    This has been mooted around the place, that Rocksteady and WB are working on the third Batman game which will see the Justice League added into the fray and be a prequel showing how Batman first met the Joker.

    Personally I'm not too fussed by this idea. We all know how they met and after City's mass frenzy of characters I don't feel they need to follow Lego Batman's approach of bunging in more characters to deal with. I'd rather the third Arkham game was more focused and streamlined, following the story threads of City.

    EDIT: Though, Chopemon posted first and didn't see it. Feel free to merge
    Last edited by Neon Ignition; 12-07-2012, 07:47.