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PTE32 - Heeding the Call

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    PTE32 - Heeding the Call

    This year will see the release of the tenth main entry in the Call of Duty series during the year that marks the series tenth anniversary. At the moment the game is rumoured to be the rather awkwardly titled Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 and will be the rejigged IW's newest stab at the series. Debates about lag and quick scoping aside, the series polarises gamers in much the same way pretty much all big success series eventially do. There's fans, people who dislike the direction as time goes on, those who grow to dislike it for dislikes sake and thise who never got into it to begin with. Either way, the constant debates have kept the series in the public conscience for a decade and the yearly hype keeping massive sales rolling in.

    What are your memories of the Call of Duty series and which do you think was the best entry and why?
    Call of Duty
    Call of Duty 2
    Call of Duty 3
    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
    Call of Duty: World at War
    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
    Call of Duty: Black Ops
    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
    I haven't enjoyed any series entry

    I've never played COD or it's imitators, my only memory of it is that I remember when I was a fresher I stopped off at Sainsbury's on my way to Uni to pick up some bits for lunch, unknowingly it was the day Modern Warfare 2 released and they were selling it half-price.

    Firstly I tried to get into a car parking space when some working-class skinhead type who saw me driving in just started walking diagonally infront of me, then gave me an evil look and waited for me to get out to shout abuse across the car park. Then he joined the queue by the magazine counter where they were handing out the game and it was full of roughians, the unemployable and (bizarrely) middle-aged women (I assume kids' mums?)... There was a fight, a 50 year old woman screaming at some guy for pushing in, staff bewildered... chaos basically. Put me right off the franchise/genre/the people who play it.
    Last edited by Pikate; 14-01-2013, 11:33. Reason: To tone down the snobbish-ness (Changed Unemployed - Unemployable)


      I hear GTA fans can be right twats, too.


        I still remember the fuss about Cod2 back when the 360 launched. So strange to think that was still this gen. I didn't mind Cod3, not the series finest hour (ha!) but still better than most ripped it for.


          I prefer the Modern warfare games over the black op games

          but black ops 2 was better in every way than black ops

          pretty much enjoyed them all even big red one, but battlefield 3 was decent stuff as was future soldier, but if i had to pick the Ghost Recon games are better albiet different

          for me Call of duty modern warfare is the best and the worst is world at war
          Last edited by buster_broon; 14-01-2013, 22:35.


            COD 4, and the rest is diminishing returns till we hit the gutter sometime soonish ( here's hoping)


              I'll just ignore the single player stuff when picking my fav, its alright while it lasts and never outstays it welcome. But mutliplayer is where its at and while i'm always guaranteed to moan about the maps, new systems and game balances the first 2/3 weeks of a new release i eventually settle in to a groove and it clicks(about the time i get Ghost unlocked for good, strange that), which for me puts Black ops1 as the best, pretty much straight away they let you get what you wanted within in a couple of matches, everything had a counter, quick scoper got screwed, knifers died and tubbers lost out.. i loved it and over 3/4 of the map selection turn out to be belters.

              Though to be fair apart from the changes to the lag compensation, the new releases do play better than the older games by far, even if 1/2 the starter maps suck.


                COD 2 for me, I prefer the WW2 setting and the much simpler online play suited my tastes a lot more.


                  4 for me...great single player and story imo and the game that finally made me join LIVE.

                  Not been a better online experience for me, nicely balanced map and perkwise and before everyone turned into a camping, hacking abusive scumbag!


                    The sooner it dies the better for the whole game industry.


                      CoD4 MW was a game I enjoyed quite a lot. The online doesn't interest me unless you play with mates as it is full of cheats and needless playing unknowns. The single player of MW was pretty damm good. Decent length, interesting plot with some cool moments. Re-spawning enemies of Satan aside, I liked it.


                        Not interested in the online either so the best CoD for me was the first - and the superb expansions - which I played to absolute death. So many fond memories!

                        CoD 2 was decent but the campaign didn't feel as strong as the first and it seemed the focus in direction had moved slightly to multiplayer.

                        Modern Warefare was brilliantly put together but the main campaign is what, 3 hours? this is about the time I lost interest in the series.

                        Wouldn't mind seeing Respawn Entertainment return to the World War II era with their first game.


                          For me:

                          Call of Duty
                          It was alright at the time but it was during the GTA era I didn't pay it too much attention.

                          Call of Duty 2
                          All the hype led me to get it with my first of many 360's. The fuss over the smoke effects, aah. It was much better than the first and fully enjoyed it.

                          Call of Duty 3
                          Really rushed in many clear ways but really likeable in others. Still remember the hilltop town with the stirring music.

                          Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
                          Good single player and great multiplayer. Some classic maps but even without the hacks it's not the series peak.

                          Call of Duty: World at War
                          I really enjoyed this one. The setting was still stale so I feel it was a little set aside, especially with the bad will towards Treyarch. Not the best one but wonderfully distinct.

                          Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
                          They overdid the bombastic nature of the game but underneath that was probably the was polarised map selection. Some greats, some real duffers.

                          Call of Duty: Black Ops
                          Wasn't too fussed by the single player but once accustomed the multiplayer really shined. Great maps and a sense of balance, the series peak.

                          Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
                          The sp is pretty decent simple fun but the mp has missteps. It just feels off and the maps meh, it's a greatly improved experience with the wealth of map packs but that's an expensive route.

                          Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
                          The sp hasn't grabbed me again but as more time passes I get more into the mp. If the upcoming map packs are good this could just about take top spot for me.


                            Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                            Call of Duty: World at War
                            I really enjoyed this one. The setting was still stale so I feel it was a little set aside, especially with the bad will towards Treyarch. Not the best one but wonderfully distinct.
                            Heard World at War is supposed to be the most underrated in the series. Still haven't played through but once I'm back in the mood to play on the big screen I may give it a go.

                            You should try and track down the expansions for the first, CTN. Maybe it's a case of rose tinted glasses but I remember them being absolutely superb.


                              Really enjoyed CoD2. Remember being amazed by the smoke effects in HD when I first got my 360. Ploughed so many hours into 8 player MP over Live with a core group. We all knew the maps, played fair, enjoyed the game together.

                              I don't think I've enjoyed an online shooter as much as that. Or any online game actually. Maaaaaaybe PGR3.

                              SP wise I think CoD4 MW is my favourite. It just felt great to play and looked excellent!

