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BT Voyager 2000 problems

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    BT Voyager 2000 problems

    Through my house I have a network set up using a BT Voyager 2000 wireless router and wireless recievers. There are 3 computers in the network - one downstairs (which is hooked up to the router), one in my brother's room, one in my room.

    I used to use the computer downstairs and through creating a virtual server via the DMZ settings managed to enable myself to DCC send files through IRC and host/connect to various games that use IP settings only. I could also use eMule perfectly. On any other computer that I try to do all this on, I'm unable to get much working aside from browsing/Bittorrent/IRC. Knowing the local IP for the computer in my room, I've tried numerous times to create a virtual server for it, but i'm still unable to open the necessary ports.

    This is a test I've been using to determine whether or not i've got anything working, but it always fails. On the computer downstairs hooked up to the router, it worked.

    What the heck am I doing wrong?