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Monitor Settings

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    Monitor Settings

    Well I recently got a 19" Acer Monitor to play my 360 on through VGA, overall I'm hugely impressed but I have one slight problem. When I press auto config on the monitor to get the screen settings I get the perfect picture while it's doing all the auto stuff but when the auto message dissapears it adds one final kind of milky overlay.

    I pretty much want to get the screen settings before it seems to add this milky overlay. It's not really bad or anything I was fine with the monitor until noticing the difference while I was reconfigering it for a different resolution.

    So anyone have any ideas? I've tried the brightness and contrast and cant come up with anything. The only other setting I think it could be is RGB but I'm not sure and have no idea how to change that to get a nice picture, if I can I'll try and get some comparison pictures with a digital camera.
    Last edited by Myth; 26-12-2005, 18:12.