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360 won't see network

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    360 won't see network

    Tried to connect my 360 to my mate's network just by plugging the network cable into his router, this is all I had to do at my house for mine to work. The 360 doesn't see the network at all, it fails the 'test connection' on the first stage and says "Disconnected" from the network adapter.

    We're using the same network cable that I use at my house, it didn't get damaged on the journey as he tested it with a PC.

    Since I didn't have to do anything to set mine up I don't know if there's any settings to adjust or if this is a 360 problem or network problem?

    EDIT: Connecting the 360 to a laptop brings up "wired" on the test so the console's network adaptor isn't broken.

    EDIT2: We've got it working! Used a different (annoyingly shorter) cable, for some reason that cable didn't like his router but is fine with mine.
    Last edited by stainboy; 14-12-2006, 12:50.