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Light Guns & Modern TVs (PS2)

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    Light Guns & Modern TVs (PS2)

    I apologize for making another topic on this subject however I wanted to share my experiences and ask for advice.

    I have the following TV:

    It allows me to use either 100Hz or 50Hz (DRC50 or DRC100 they are called I believe), however I can use neither the official g-con 2 guns or the newest supposedly 100Hz compatible joytech Sharp Shooter gun (on either 50Hz or 100Hz mode).

    I was wondering if anyone had managed to get their gun working on their 100Hz TV and how they did it.

    I also was wondering if it mattered whether I played the game at 50Hz or 60Hz since this is slightly confusing (I remember charles mentioning something about 60/120Hz before, but didnt understand the relevance).

    Any help would be appreciated - I now have 3 light guns and 2 light gun games and no method of playing them .