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muchi muchi pork/pink sweets double pack

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  • SharkSkin-Man
    Originally posted by englishbob View Post
    I must be playing this wrong


    you are super human.

    MMP Not that hard?
    The difficulty is balanced out by the generous extends, you should be able to get at least two extends by the end of Stage 2.

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  • endo
    MMP may not be a walkover but DOJ, for example, is certainly harder. The first time I played the PCB of this, it immediately felt more manageable than DOJ to me. Overall though I think I prefer DOJ, despite its difficulty. Then again, I do prefer the DP/DDP series, the second game being my favourite Cave shooter of them all.
    Last edited by endo; 18-03-2011, 15:48.

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  • englishbob
    Originally posted by SharkSkin-Man View Post
    Gotta be honest MMP doesn't really seem that hard (in terms of getting a 1-All).
    I must be playing this wrong


    you are super human.

    MMP Not that hard?

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  • SharkSkin-Man
    Finally sat down and put a few credits into these last night.

    Gotta be honest MMP doesn't really seem that hard (in terms of getting a 1-All).
    I'm not a very good STG player at all and was getting well into ST4 after a handful of credits.

    At the moment I'd say it feels a good deal easier than the tougher Cave games like DOJ, Ketsui, Galuda II.

    Pink Sweets is completely insane though, almost inpenetrable.

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  • speedlolita
    Pay for economy box? :P

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  • SharkSkin-Man
    Send it back?

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  • davs
    So after a fairly long wait, my copy arrived in post this morning. Rattling away. The disc had come loose in the box and now has a few chunks missing out of it. It still plays though and I had fun with it earlier.

    I wouldn't be bothered if it was some PAL game from amazon, but for a £60 import I am kind of annoyed. Just my luck I guess =/

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  • BaronSqwelch
    oh god....what a mistake I have made.
    mmp is good fun, quite enjoyed my run thru of arrange mode, used 7 continues I think and finished it. will need to read a strategy guide to improve tho.

    but pink sweets? i have never enjoyed a game less in my life...i accept these games are hard but no matter how hard i had my ass kicked by mushi, espgaluda 2 etc it never felt unfair but PS is daft. for the first time ever in my short time playing cave games I got angry at the constant losing of lives lol

    gonna concentrate on MMP

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  • Barny
    Finally arrived. Dear me, seems the global postage services have gone to hell these past few years.

    And on top of that a nice and massive customs charge. 34.45 £. Ha ha. Oh well. I've gotten loads of stuff through the years that went through no problem, so I'll live.

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  • Soundwave
    Definitely try it first these 2 are serious marmite'll either love or hate them.

    I had never heard the other half swear as much as she did playing Pink Sweets last night in the whole time we've been together...I didn't even realise she knew some of the words she was using lol

    They really are super super difficult.


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  • englishbob
    Give the game a go first before doing the DLC thing. As you say, worth more in the resell.

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  • BaronSqwelch
    mine has the DLC worth redeeming or better to add value when I get annoyed with it and sell it on next week?

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  • msm13579
    Originally posted by englishbob View Post
    Started on EASY and worked back to SUPER EASY and it is still ****ING hard as nails! Is this broken or un-tested or something?
    haha, pink sweets is harder too! i don't know much about muchi muchi pork but if it's like his (yagawa's) other games then try and avoid collecting too many pickups/scoring points to keep the rank down, should help with the difficulty a bit. apparently the arrange versions are easier so maybe try those?

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  • Kaosu
    Originally posted by englishbob View Post
    Started on EASY and worked back to SUPER EASY and it is still ****ING hard as nails! Is this broken or un-tested or something?
    It only affects Rank. I did a test replay run through the first stage, and the Difficulty Ga(u)ge went up much faster on the highest settings for me. Bullet patterns are the same.

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  • Soundwave
    Wifey is just having a go of this now.

    I had a quick blast but needed to do some junk on the pooty & I have since lost the TV & Stick to her

    She had a few credit feeds on Muchi up to Stage 4 & then it just got on her nerves because it's so difficult & now she's onto Pink Sweets & is struggling on Stage 2

    Got to say they both seem insanely hard but I think they is the design on both they look awesome really bright & vibrant, the bosses are good.
    Bullet patterns are mental though some of MMP's are just unbelievable how people get through them unscathed is WAY beyond my skills & I'm pretty sure a 1CC on this is never going to be anywhere near my grasp (that said no CAVE game has ever been 1CC'd by me)

    Looking forward to getting some more time with this over the next few nights though.

    One thing I cant seem to find in the options is a TATE mode...does one exist for these games??
    Would like to know that when I get a cab later in the year I'll be able to set it up properly.


    EDIT - Never mind I found how to Rotate the screen
    Also found how to turn the annoying Widescreen mode off...much bigger playing screen now
    Last edited by Soundwave; 09-03-2011, 21:54.

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