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xbox live help-connection lost!!!

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    xbox live help-connection lost!!!

    ok about a couple of weeks ago my xbox would not connect to live
    cant get it online at all now
    i have an amx-64 router,everything ran fine,
    now its screwed!!
    have reconfigured router,opened the ports microsoft say to etc

    but it keeps saying xboxlive not found ,router may be blocking
    i have full net connection thru router for pcs etc
    anyone had this problem
    - i ahve chip in box but its always off when i fire up live and chip was in before
    -have they found a way to detect chips when they are off,or am i getting a bit paranoid!!!

    if anyone can shed any light please do,
    am considering new xbox with no chip or new router,maybe the x-modem

    please guys help me!!!!!!