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Civilization IV Pitboss Game

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    Civilization IV Pitboss Game

    Hey guys,

    I know there are some Civilization IV players lurking around here somewhere.

    I am arranging a pitboss game, nothing too complex, I'm looking at around 10-14 players depending on how many sign up for the game. Note that this is vanilla Civ and not Warlords.

    If you don't know what a pitboss game is, well it's kind of like a play by email game only there is a dedicated server which you connect to when it's your turn, which makes it kind of easier than relying on e-mailing files all the time.

    I havn't got any rules set in stone, but it will definately be simultaneous turns with a 24 hour turn timer, that means that each turn will last a maximum of 24 hours, however if everyone takes their turn within 24 hours a new turn will start automatically. I have email notificaiton set up so that each player will get an email a the beggining of each turn.

    Please bare in mind that a pitboss game requires a certain level of dedicaiton, and could last a couple of months. Taking your turn will require you to log into the server at least once every day, however you can miss the odd turn if you have other commitments, and there will be chances for other players or allies to take over your civilization should you be away from a computer longer than afew days.

    I have set up some forums for players to discuss the rules before we start, and for game discussion once we get going, if you are interested give me a PM and I will send you the details.

    There are currently 4 players signed up and I will be advertising the game on the major civ forums in the next day or two. If everything goes to plan the game should be ready to start after the weekend.

    EDIT: Game is now full!
    Last edited by Zanza; 17-03-2007, 13:20.