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Ultra Street Fighter ® IV Retrospective

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    Ultra Street Fighter ® IV Retrospective

    This is retro as it is on the X360---- what did you like and love compared to SFV, what individuals were not included that you wanted very much to be present this time around, and also did you think the fighting dynamics were more balanced in SFIV than SFV?

    When the series continues what do you want to see in a new game?

    The world’s greatest fighting game evolves to a whole new level with Ultra Street Fighter IV.
    Last edited by CAPCOM; 04-11-2020, 07:14.

    Not the best Street Fighter but up there, would pick it over 5 in a heart beat


      Third Strike still holds the...?


        Originally posted by CAPCOM View Post
        Third Strike still holds the...?



          For me, I preferred the prior revision, Arcade Edition, the one that had Yun/Yang.

          I wasn't a fan of the addition of the red parries; felt it extended the system too far.

          While it can be suggested that Third Strike is definitive... Gonna pull down thunder & fury for this, but I prefer Super IV in most respects. Mainly because I was a reasonably competent 3s player, but that also means it can be difficult to actually play with people. When I've had sessions on Third Strike where I'm practiced, and playing against people at my level or better, it's been some my most fun gaming ever... But if playing against people who aren't, then it's frustrating for them and it's boring for me.

          This is why I found Super IV so good, because the character roster is enormous and I think it's better for fun play. Ditto for something like Capcom Vs SNK 2, for similar reasons.


            All incarnations of SFIV are unstoppable...ARCADE by virtue of being a coin-op has its own unique merits powered by Taito...

            SFVI should be released as a coin-op first to catalyze and rebirth the industry in my opinion....

            Last edited by CAPCOM; 05-11-2020, 07:51.


              Originally posted by CAPCOM View Post
              SFVI should be released as a coin-op first to catalyze and rebirth the industry in my opinion....
              What the sweet, sweet child o' mine does that mean?


                Originally posted by CAPCOM View Post
                All incarnations of SFIV are unstoppable...


                  He means that it should catalyze the industry and also rebirth it.

                  For me, SFIV sits squarely along with the EX series for me and, yeah, the obvious reason there is that they are 3D but it's more about how they did it in 3D. I find the characters ugly and the animation too soft. Those things are obviously about the visuals more than the gameplay but, for me, the actual animation and the softness in it definitely hugely takes away from the feel when I'm playing. It's like it uses the effects to try to compensate for the lack of impact in the animation and it doesn't quite manage it. I like impact in my fighting games.

                  That said, it plays fine. Although I barely played Ultra so I guess most of my opinion is based on the Super edition, I think. Not sure how different they are. I would place most of Capcom's 2D output over it.

                  I have never played 5 at all. No idea how that compares but everything I've seen and heard about it says it's just not the game for me.


                    Smaller image files are available.

                    I don't think I've properly played a Street Fighter beyond 2.


                      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                      For me, SFIV sits squarely along with the EX series for me
                      Oof, I know it's your opinion but let's not say stuff we can't take back


                        I don't even mean it as that much of a negative. The EX series wasn't awful in its day and some of the characters were great. I just mean that the things I felt EX lost going 3D, I feel that IV lost those exact same things.


                          Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                          I don't even mean it as that much of a negative. The EX series wasn't awful in its day and some of the characters were great. I just mean that the things I felt EX lost going 3D, I feel that IV lost those exact same things.
                          Interesting. I felt the exact opposite. While I get what you mean about the animations; they lack some of the qualities of tweened movement inherent to sprites that are so present in III (and Ono has said this is one of the reasons why they never pursued a 3D Darkstalkers game), I also feel that the sense of movement and impact in IV works in all the ways that EX lacked. SFIV, to me, built upon the work first undertaken in Rival Schools to actually make Street Fighter in 2.5d, as opposed to Arika's work in EX, where they kinda remagined the series as a 3D game.

                          In any case, opinion is always going to be subjective; just bringing up EX around IV is kinda triggering to me


                            I never liked the 4th game at all. I don't understand the style they've gone for with their 3d games and the characters can be quite ugly, but part 5 is way better for anyone who didn't like 4. It's a shame some of the best content is locked unless you have the Champion Edition. I thought I wouldn't like it but it's pretty good. A couple of the stages are beautiful and have alternate versions.

                            The pseudo 2d graphics of Guilty Gear look more suited for a SF series, to me.


                              I think I'm just biased, as I really like the look of the characters in IV. My biggest early gripe with V is that it's not really enough of a step up, like it feels like an iteration on the same style.

                              Like, II to Alpha to III to IV - all big jumps in style; then V didn't feel like as big a jump. [MENTION=11673]shinobi7000[/MENTION] is right in that what Arc Sys are doing feels like a quantum leap over something like SFIV. It was brave.

