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Critics Club V: Gamecube

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    Blimey QC....


      The Pana Q probably, but I bought the black one on near launch so that's really my favourite. Also own the Foxhound one from the MGS pack.
      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


        Foxhound is a cool one. I had a plastic disc that could replace the circular 'jewel' on top of the machine and that you could put your own bits of paper in to customise it. Used to cut them out of magazines. In fairness I was about 11 years old. Although now that I think about that's still an incredibly dorky way to spend your time at 11 years old.

        The ease of changing the 'jewel' on top of the machine made me think Nintendo had probably planned at one point to sell alternatives. I wonder why they didn't.
        [MENTION=10111]QualityChimp[/MENTION] 'Pearl white' Radcliffe


          Have to go with the Panasonic Q, even though it's really a DVD Player that can play GC games and NOT a GC that can play DVDs.

          The only standard GC I ever owned was a Black one so that gets a special mention from me.


            Why did everyone buy the black one?! What was wrong with purple??

            I got purple and I took the sneers and laughs on the playground about it like a man. I knew it was the best colour* and time, gentlemen, I believe, has proven me correct.

            *of the launch


              Started out with a launch japanese purple one but then years later i found a unboxed final fantasy pearl white on yahoo auctions and for a long time that was my default cube i used.

              I took out the jewel and replaced it with the club nintendo mario kart DD faceplate which replicated the design from gamecube battle stage. Gave it a cool all white look.

              Personally years later the colour that i actually really love is the spice orange hands down the best looking cube, unique and not too expensive and zero chance of yellowing.


                Originally posted by wakka View Post
                Why did everyone buy the black one?! What was wrong with purple??

                I got purple and I took the sneers and laughs on the playground about it like a man. I knew it was the best colour* and time, gentlemen, I believe, has proven me correct.

                *of the launch
                Crikey do posts like this make me feel old. If I was arguing about GameCube colours in a playground back when it was released I’d be on a certain list you really don’t want to be on!


                  Spice orange for me too, beautiful looking machine. I deeply regret selling my setup long ago.

                  On the topic of the Panasonic Q... I think it looks horrible. The same styling as a cheap DVD player from the early 00s, silver with mirror finish. Just isn't for me.

                  When I was at school the GameCube was the machine for babies that weren't 'ard enough to get their parents to buy them GTA. I got one because my best friend already had a PS2 and Xbox.


                    Weirdly back in the day the panasonic Q looked pretty flash, it was this weird exotic looking hybrid but it's design has aged pretty badly over the years it just looks tacky now back then there wasn't many consoles with mirrored finished so it stood right out. It still has it's fans but it's rather garish to look at now plus i hate that disk tray with it's stupid shallow indentation for the gc disks just to sit in. I remember my friends Q when you opened the drive it would shoot out and as it stopped the disk would bump out the indentation and slide across the tray. Guaranteed way for scratched disks if you ask me, i prefer the gamecubes nifty push button eject on the spindle.


                      Originally posted by samanosuke View Post
                      Crikey do posts like this make me feel old. If I was arguing about GameCube colours in a playground back when it was released I’d be on a certain list you really don’t want to be on!
                      I bring the average forum age down by still being in my 30s

                      Along with Speedy, that is. And fuse, bless him.

                      And yes Speedy Nintendo was very much for the babies and mummy’s boys, a reputation that was only enhanced by a purple colour way and the inclusion of a handbag style handle.
                      Last edited by wakka; 08-12-2021, 19:01.


                        I had the Spice Gamecube back in the day, as well as that Pearl version that was a special Mario Strikers pack in edition. If you had to choose one though it's surely the Spice. Wondered why Nintendo never released a Switch lite in that colour to be honest.
                        The design of the Gamecube still holds up really well IMO.


                          difficult, i like the Q and the Spice despite never owning either of them, I've had a few purple, silver and black cubes but i think the Q is a stunning looking console so gets my vote


                            An old boss would sometimes say he'd bring in his Q for me to have because he didn't want it anymore. In the end he made me redundant and I never got the Q. The end.


                              I had the purple at launch, got a silver one later (and still have it), and found a Q in between (sold a few weeks back).
                              The only thing I liked about the Q was the blue glowing controller ports, otherwise purple all the way.

