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Doctor Who: Era of the Fifteenth Doctor

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    Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
    As a dad of a child with dyspraxia, never underestimate how important for people to see themselves represented in stories. But even aside from that, I really like Ryan.
    I love how at the end of the first episode they had him persisting in trying to ride his bike but resisted the temptation of him succeeding.


      Yeah that was brilliant and also a little heartbreaking. And his nerves about the ladder in the second episode too. That's often how I see it in my own kid. She can do things but knows she finds them more difficult and that moment where he didn't want to climb the ladder was so familiar to me. She has never seen a character on TV before who goes through what she does so it's a big deal. And for me, it makes me like him all the more. He is facing different difficulties to the other characters.


        I don't, which may be why he's slower to gel. It's not so much what he's doing or as more the way he comes across as an actor, less about the character actions and more just that it's bad acting at all times from him. Maybe it's an intentful choice but I'm not getting the impression that it is compared to Yas who seems fine but still lacks any reason for existing in the show.

        The theme and willingness of the BBC to run with it is certainly impressive, the shows just a bit flat in its execution so far. I do think a lot of it comes down to the overcrowded cast though, I half expected the cop to come back into it or Ryan to get caught out when he followed Rosa home then needed to get back to the hotel himself but nothing because there's little room for the characters to breathe.


          Didn't realise new series had started! Time the catch up.


            Not sure about Whittaker being a cross between Tennant and Smith. I wonder how much of that is the writing and how much is the directing.
            Otherwise I've enjoyed it so far, halfway through ep3.


              I wonder if its the directing, it had been knocked about a while back that the BBC was allowing Chibnall a lot of leeway in order to get him onboard but there one key mandate was that they wanted a very Tennant/Smith era Doctor as Capaldi's had been so bad for merchandise sales and the shows popularity.


                -Last Christmas-
                Finally, one more series of the show down as I reach this Christmas special, Capaldi's first. There's the sprinkling of Christmas content in there with Nick Frost's Santa present but it's mostly a generic monster of the week tale using the old trope of 'is this all a dream?' The other characters who are in the episode are pretty redundant with the only one who's retroactively interesting being the most flippant survivor who's quite like Whittaker's new Doctor in some ways. The crux of this ep though seems to be in steering Clara so that post-Danny she seeks to pour her attention back into the Doctor and the seeds are sown for her having a death wish. Being an Xmas special though this isn't explored too much so the ep is just kind of there.

                Series 01 - 4 Strong Episodes
                Series 02 - 2 Strong Episodes
                Series 03 - 3 Strong Episodes
                Series 04 - 8 Strong Episodes
                Series 05 - 3 Strong Episodes
                Series 06 - 5 Strong Episodes
                Series 07 - 4 Strong Episodes
                Series 08 - 2 Strong Episode So Far
                Series 11 - 0 Strong Episodes So Far


                  -Arachnids in the UK-
                  Nearing the halfway point of the series now and it still feels hard to get a pin on the direction of the show or the characters, it's beginning to feel a little like there isn't much of one and that is summed up a little by Yas who finally get's a little background added though it's arguable it adds nothing of value to her character. It did get my interest when it turned out it would hang more closely to her but other than meeting her family we found out very little about Yas and her motivations. There was a light, very light hint she might complete the line up representation checklist by being bisexual and she has a Mum who's very curious about the Doctor. In fact, with Yas being a public services servant who has a Doctor suspicious mother felt pretty much like we have 'New Martha' on our hands. Didn't help that she gave little reasoning for tagging along either, she just thinks it's kind of cool and her family annoy her. Ryan was just kind of there, liked his shadow puppets though. Graham still makes the most sense in a way and gets the best moments but the lack of screen time hurts him hard.

                  It feels a little bit of a shame I've become so companion focused, it reflects how drowned out the Doctor feels to me. I don't mind the three companion set up but I definitely feel they should have held off until Whittaker had had a chance to bed into the role and establish herself. These four episodes have been broadly consistent enough that I'm growing increasingly doubtful the overall quality of the eps will rise or fall much as it goes on so I'm not sure I'll get the chance to grow to care much about any of the cast this year at the current rate.

                  The episode itself, depends on how much you hate spiders. If your skin crawls then it would be a tense one, if you're not at that level it's hard to see this as anything other than the weakest ep so far.

                  Series 01 - 4 Strong Episodes
                  Series 02 - 2 Strong Episodes
                  Series 03 - 3 Strong Episodes
                  Series 04 - 8 Strong Episodes
                  Series 05 - 3 Strong Episodes
                  Series 06 - 5 Strong Episodes
                  Series 07 - 4 Strong Episodes
                  Series 08 - 2 Strong Episode So Far
                  Series 11 - 0 Strong Episodes So Far


                    Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post
                    -Arachnids in the UK-
                    There was a light, very light hint she might complete the line up representation checklist by being bisexual
                    COME ON NOW, FFS.


                      It's not something that bothers me, just something I find interesting considering the attention the show already attracted back when they confirmed their intention to have a larger companion group and a female Doctor. Given the predictable fanboy accusations the show received I'd be curious if the set up for S11 was always intended or whether they're intentfully responding to those kind of comments by having a cast that covers as wide a spectrum as possible


                        It’s your comment.


                          It's flippant sure but that's about it


                            It’s revealing about your own issues with representation without which the flippant comment would not have happened. And then also your willingness to assign your issues to the internet or others, something not unique to this thread. It’s an archaic comment that I might have expected back when Voyager launched but would have expected we’d have grown from, hence I can understand Family Fry’s reaction.

                            Anyway, haven’t seen the newest episode myself but how you’re not listing that Rosa episode as a strong episode is beyond me. That was one of the strongest Doctor Who episodes I’ve seen in years. I only really ever had one reservation about the new show (game show guy) and he has turned out to be a huge strength in the show.


                              It's only revealing if every flippant few word remark online is taken as an accurate and literal depiction of real life views. I can read it back to myself and see how it might come across to some at passing face value and without any additional context but the rest would be assumption. Anyone who genuinely has an issue with representation in Doctor Who is watching the wrong show. Be it gender, race, sexuality etc the show has covered each of those previously already.

                              For Rosa, it simply comes down to feeling that whilst it handled the story of Rosa well and how the Doctor fit into those events I was less keen on several other elements of the episode which got in the way of it having as much impact for me as I thought it could have. I think if the same episode had have come later in this season or maybe in the casts second run when we had more time under our belts with them then more could have been done with the set up and impact on the characters.


                                The Tsuangra Conundrum
                                Key change that comes from last weeks discussion, no stacking this against previous seasons. The main aim of me rewatching past seasons was to try and get my teeth into Capaldi's run that had failed to get a hold of me the same as his predecessors had, seeing if it worked better at second pass. That means I'm familiar with the plots, the characters, the twists, the tone etc so on reflection it's not a fair comparison to stack this largely new take against them on first viewing. Next up is S9 for my revisit so in time I'll be able to revisit the current season in the same light but without consideration for things such as getting used to the new characters.

                                So, last nights episode. I quite liked it, Even if it was still mostly only being manic mode, Whittaker got to spend more time front and centre as she tried to get them out of their scrape and the episode moved at enough pace that it breezed by easily enough even though on the face of it, it was a fairly bog standard episode. It's episodes like this that the energy of the current show works best, keeping things light enough that it remains engaging which is probably one of the areas where I struggled more with Capaldi where fluff episodes could drag. Graham remained the one who probably fits the traditional companion bill the most, they seem to like having him be quite grounded and good at reading others which makes sense given his age. Yas seemed to slip back into being a device mostly there to give Ryan a way of spouting back history for his character but I'm starting to get the impression that will build towards a purpose at the series backend and next week we seem to be delving back into Yas territory which feels like the right move. Solid enough stuff overall this week.

                                While seasons of the show have been sporadic at times, one fixed element of The BBC’s “Doctor Who” since its revival in 2005 has been its annual Christmas special which has also often served as either the exit or entry point of new incarnations Doctors. That’s now changed with showrunner Chris Chibnall reportedly scrapping this […]

                                Who is ditching Xmas this year in favour of New Years potentially
                                Last edited by Neon Ignition; 05-11-2018, 07:26.

