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UK XI: Plea's Release Me, Let Me Go

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    Originally posted by Lebowski View Post

    I'd still rather take my chances against a chav on a chinese ebikes, than some chavs in his tuned up polo, it's about punishment vs danger a car is far more dangerous than a push bike so the law should be different, the stats speak for themselves in this, if anything it undermines dangerous driving convictions.

    Police have stop and seize powers as doing 20 on a E-bike means it's been delimited and is illegal to use on UK roads, they should have a top speed of 15 to be UK legal. if your caught on a delimited ebike it can get seized and destroyed!!!
    I saw a drug dealer (not the first time either) swerving in and out of traffic doing about 40 on an e-bike (full black outfit with balaclava), he went straight past a police car, I thought FINALLY!!! He’s f****d now!!! and they didn’t even flitch, nothing.

    I had the whole thing on video on my dashcam and put a complaint in at the local station, nothing was done just a follow up generic auto response email.

    The little p***k is still doing the same thing daily as he does his rounds.

    They just need kneecapping not jail.


      Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post

      I saw a drug dealer (not the first time either) swerving in and out of traffic doing about 40 on an e-bike (full black outfit with balaclava), he went straight past a police car, I thought FINALLY!!! He’s f****d now!!! and they didn’t even flitch, nothing.

      I had the whole thing on video on my dashcam and put a complaint in at the local station, nothing was done just a follow up generic auto response email.

      The little p***k is still doing the same thing daily as he does his rounds.

      They just need kneecapping not jail.
      The likely outcome to that is death when he comes off it at 40 and finds out a balaclava doesn't do much to protect you from serious head injurys.


        I have to say this is a good thing that the law if being updated to factor in changes to transport choices.
        I think increased regulations will also change the way people ride their bikes too.

        I do think it's disproportionate to the number of cars on the road, but any rule that saves lives must be considered positive, at least.


          Apparently, before this, the law used to police cyclists was one intended for horses back arund the year 1900. The trouble is that the roads aren't built for the system that's been promoted. A cyclist is less likely to directly kill a civilian in a head on collision than a car but the lack of rules means that a **** ton of bad cyclist behaviour also goes unreported. Laws already exist for cars etc. For example, it should be the law that cyclists have to ride on cycle paths where they exist. Running red lights, undertaking etc. Any resulting accidents will default to driver fault because the law weights on car drivers.

          Anecdotal and subjective. I see bad car drivers all the time, but I also around 1000x more cars just driving normally. I see bad cyclists all the time, I rarely see one riding safely.

          eScooters and eBikes are a whole different breed though. The Tories have failed on an epic scale when it comes to these. They are motorbikes, make having a license and insurance a default legal requirement.


            Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
            Apparently, before this, the law used to police cyclists was one intended for horses back arund the year 1900. The trouble is that the roads aren't built for the system that's been promoted. A cyclist is less likely to directly kill a civilian in a head on collision than a car but the lack of rules means that a **** ton of bad cyclist behaviour also goes unreported. Laws already exist for cars etc. For example, it should be the law that cyclists have to ride on cycle paths where they exist. Running red lights, undertaking etc. Any resulting accidents will default to driver fault because the law weights on car drivers.

            Anecdotal and subjective. I see bad car drivers all the time, but I also around 1000x more cars just driving normally. I see bad cyclists all the time, I rarely see one riding safely.

            eScooters and eBikes are a whole different breed though. The Tories have failed on an epic scale when it comes to these. They are motorbikes, make having a license and insurance a default legal requirement.
            You don't see bad drivers every day? Where do you live the moon or are you just driving about like Mr Magoo

            We're kind of getting into Facebook gammon territory here, who shall we tar with the same brush next?

            Dog owners, bloody idiots, letting their dogs **** everywhere and training them to fight small children and Badgers and such.
            Gypsies Tarmacking drives, selling pegs, and being Irish.
            Immigrants Coming over here and doing Jobs we don't want to do in their small boats and creating delicious foods that we like to eat.


              Starmer’s ‘pledge card’ to voters lists “tough spending rules”, i.e. austerity, as its first pledge.


                I blanked Starmer's pledge card and started writing out own ones.

                - Driving bans for people who hog the middle lane.
                - £10 fine for people saying "Expresso" rather than "Espresso".
                - Loose Women banned.
                - Arcades in every seaside town.
                - Default setting of Christmas lights is "always on" not "blinking epileptically"


                  Also, did you see that Sunak was on Loose Women today. Yikes.


                    Nar they're not proposing austerity as their plan to fix 14 years of Tory austerity, that would be stupid. If you read what he's saying, it's more about making sure everything is funded, and we don't do another Liz Truss by crashing pensions and pushing everyone's Mortgage prices up by being financially incompetent.

                    He's not freezing public sector wages or making massive cuts to councils. What he's saying is we don't need another unfunded tax cut, as if we abolish national insurance Like Sunak is pledging then that's 46billion we have to find somewhere else that could quite easily kick off a run on the UK again and create another period of massive instability screwing over the middle and working class yet again.
                    Last edited by Lebowski; 16-05-2024, 14:19.


                      Originally posted by Lebowski View Post

                      You don't see bad drivers every day? Where do you live the moon or are you just driving about like Mr Magoo

                      We're kind of getting into Facebook gammon territory here, who shall we tar with the same brush next?

                      Dog owners, bloody idiots, letting their dogs **** everywhere and training them to fight small children and Badgers and such.
                      Gypsies Tarmacking drives, selling pegs, and being Irish.
                      Immigrants Coming over here and doing Jobs we don't want to do in their small boats and creating delicious foods that we like to eat.
                      But I do?

                      "I see bad car drivers all the time, but I also around 1000x more cars just driving normally. I see bad cyclists all the time, I rarely see one riding safely."


                        With Labour it feels like the positioning against them is largely right wing posteuring. There's no sizzle and bang amazing thing to point to so the Tories, Labour haters and right wing media fall on the tired old 'not got a plan' stance when it's clear that they do and that's it's the correct one. It's just not sexy.


                          Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post

                          But I do?

                          "I see bad car drivers all the time, but I also around, 1000x more cars just driving normally. I see bad cyclists all the time, I rarely see one riding safely."

                          yeah, every time I see a cyclist their trying to get under my car wheels it's like Mr. Burns testimony in the Bart vs Mr burns episode


                            Yeah, Starmer was quizzed saying this was a watering-down of their previous pledges, but he explained these are literally the first steps towards those larger goals, steps that are achievable in those first 5 years and budget for. I think people want jetpacks and free money in those pledges.

                            Anyway, you been following this story about polluting lake Windemere?
                            ​In other polluted water news:
                            People across south Devon have been advised to boil their tap water as 22 cases of a diarrhoea-type illness have been confirmed.


                              I see it as a death by a thousand papercuts thing, there's a cycle path that runs a huge distance of a major bypass but few ride in it instead opting to weave unsteadily in the main lane of the bypass (why is it a struggle to cycle in a straight line for some?). Going through red lights is by far the biggest offender. It's not so much demonising cyclists more just ensuring there's personal responsibility where it needs to be. Like I said, escooters etc are the biggest bane and a disaster I'm surprised hasn't already happened.


                                Originally posted by Lebowski View Post

                                The likely outcome to that is death when he comes off it at 40 and finds out a balaclava doesn't do much to protect you from serious head injurys.
                                We can only hope. It's people like that which really piss me off. Thugs doing what the hell they want without any repercussions.
                                And when they do kill themselves, their (in most cases) no good family would be singing their praises of how good they were and so on. Bollocks!

