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Dead by Daylight (PC,PS,Xbox,Switch)

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    Dead by Daylight (PC,PS,Xbox,Switch)

    Been getting into Dead By Daylight this last month, a 4 v 1 multiplayer game just celebrating 5 year anniversary. 1 player plays a killer (can be famous killer like Myers or Ghostface) to catch, hook and kill 4 survivors who need to power up 5 generators to escape, all have all sorts of perks to choose from and the killers get unique abilities to change up the gameplay. It is pretty hard to get into as the tutorial doesn't do a good job of prepping you for the live game, but if you can over come that wall and put up with some asshole players (camping/tunnelling killers, bully survivors) there is a good game to get into. No voice comms in game, even with 'SWF' parties (survive with friends, ingame crossplay friend parties) so unless you setup discord, it's silent and gives you perks around viewing what other survivors are up to and only PC players can see and text in the endgame chat menu.

    Mainly caught my attention due to the resident evil DLC they just released, Nemesis as a killer (tentacle whip for a slight ranged attack, if it hits a survivor you power up in stages to point of 1 hitting, and zombie helpers), Jill and Leon as survivors with outfits for Re1/3/Claire for Jill and Re2/4/Chris for Leon, and lastly a map based on the police station from 2. Even added a press 'X' title intro similar to the RE games saying 'Resident EVIL'.

    Outside the horror film genre, it does have other well know killers/survivors from the likes Silent Hill (Pyramid head) and Stranger Things which fit really well.

    below is a taste of MP from the survivor side (i usually do a night of killer, then a night of survivor), luckily went up against killer who whiffed some certain to knock me down hits which made for some exciting chases, which held the killers attention enough to get a bunch of generators done by the other 3 survivors. Survivors get 2 Health bars so 2 hits take you down to a 'dying' state where the Killer and Hook you up, if you get hooked 3 times you're out.

    usually cheap on PC, basic package free on gamepass, was given away on PSN awhile ago (where i play it the most), and is out on switch. Small warning the PSN version is only one without cross progression.

    Still playing almost every day, a few games levelling different characters to unlock their perks for the rest to use. Also seem the dev's dropped hints that Hellraiser (i assume pinhead for a killer) may be next franchise adapted.

    and while im here, some fun i had on survivor.

    Resident evil police station, (stranger things)Demogorgon as the killer with 'no on escapes death' hex on (1 hit knock downs when last gen is done) and me on Leon with a freshly crafted flashbang.

    he'd murdered the hell out of rest of team and had his eyes on me, looped him in to a corner of the map with a viable hook far away and perk for making the killers carry really hard to walk in a straight line.


      A few updates have happened since the last post, 1 new mechanic for perks in boons, 2 new survivors, 1 new Killer (which means 9 new perks) and a new desert map. Boons allows survivors to apply a strong AoE effect to a skull totem, limited to 24m and can be dispelled by the killer, can be pretty unfair on the killer on multi floor maps specially if totems overlap, giving fast healing, self healing, hiding scratch marks and recovering from being downed, there is a future patch coming to force a cooldown lock out of 1 minute after the killer dispels one. From the killer point of view the boons force the survivors the to keep the totems in play instead of destroying them which is playing mind games around trap hex's, boom blessing time and strong endgame hex's.

      New killer 'Artist' throws spirits crows, you aim and drop a package of crows (up to 3 at a time) and on pressing button they shoot off in the direction you previous aimed them in, good for sheep herding survivors. The crows damage at close range, and tag survivors at mid and long range so you can see them through walls (the crows).

      Recent match where i was playing a killer i'm bad at for dailies. Met a 3 man SWF bully squad of survivor rank 1's, usually 9pm onwards UK time there is a lack of killers so the match making throws low rank killers in against the worst try hards. Thankfully the 4th man didn't get the memo so wasn't working on the gens when the squad was giving me the run around as it's hard enough doing anything on pad related to aiming killers and rank1 survivors that know how to dead hard correctly (i-frame evasion), abuse decisive
      strike (get out of a killers grasp once) and 360 into you. Eventually i got them all thanks to anti bully perks of lightborn (anti blindness) and nurses calling (see players healing within 24m range through the environment). Felt real good when 2 of them disconnected, it's rare in current day MP games to feel something.

      for the future i really need to make the ps5 save in 4k now i have more space on the HD.
      Last edited by Tobal; 19-05-2022, 12:26.


        A few updates have happened since the last post, 1 new mechanic for perks in boons, 2 new survivors, 1 new Killer (which means 9 new perks) and a new desert map. Boons allows survivors to apply a strong AoE effect to a skull totem, limited to 24m and can be dispelled by the killer, can be pretty unfair on the killer on multi floor maps specially if totems overlap, giving fast healing, self healing, hiding scratch marks and recovering from being downed, there is a future patch coming to force a cooldown lock out of 1 minute after the killer dispels one. From the killer point of view the boons force the survivors the to keep the totems in play instead of destroying them which is playing mind games around trap hex's, boom blessing time and strong endgame hex's.

        New killer 'Artist' throws spirits crows, you aim and drop a package of crows (up to 3 at a time) and on pressing button they shoot off in the direction you previous aimed them in, good for sheep herding survivors. The crows damage at close range, and tag survivors at mid and long range so you can see them through walls (the crows).

        Recent match where i was playing a killer i'm bad at for dailies. Met a 3 man SWF bully squad of survivor rank 1's, usually 9pm onwards UK time there is a lack of killers so the match making can throw low rank killers in against the worst of the try-hards. Thankfully the 4th man (playing as Bill from left4dead) didn't get the memo so wasn't working on the gens when the squad was giving me the run around as it's hard enough doing anything on pad related to range killers and rank1 survivors that know how to dead hard correctly (i-frame evasion), abuse decisive
        strike (get out of a killers grasp once) and evade 360 into you. Eventually i got them all thanks to anti bully perks of lightborn (anti blindness) and nurses calling (see players healing within 24m range through the environment). Felt real good when 2 of them disconnected, it's rare in current day MP games to feel something.

        edit* looks like it did save in 4k, just PS share converted into something unwatchable... now to upload 3gb vid.
        Last edited by Tobal; 09-12-2021, 18:39.


          video now with much less blur.


            Latest update brings a Ring tie in with Sadako as a new killer and a new survivor who i assume is some guy from films? As with most franchise stuff not much in the way of customs outfits which is pretty stupid at least for the survivors side, having at least 4 colours for the default outfit would go along way to stop 4 look-alikes.

            Sadako is mix of ability themes lifted from other killers, namely Freddy, spirit and wraith. Default stance is being phased out of the dimension(invisible) with no killer terror radius, once Sadako is with in 24 metres survivors can see but no hear her, but to attack Sadako has to 'decloak' which has a delay. The main ability theme has CRT TV's with VHS recorders spawn on the map, these can be teleported to unless a survivors has turns it off, if they turn it off they have to take a tape which starts a condemned metre, should this reach max level Sadako can instant kill. Survivors can take the tape to highlighted TV to lower the metre. But then why turn the TV's off? well it prevents quick teleports, and the killer can us an item to buff the TV so they give out debuffs to survivors in there radius.

            I'm hopefully one day they'll fix the grind to level characters, both survivors and killers have a stupid amount of perks and they have to randomly acquire 3 times(for each perk) from the bloodweb level up system, it prevents me from wanting to play a wide range of killers when you have low level and useless perks (either cos they are useless or don't mesh well with that killer) and for the survivors side why would i want to earn/buy custom outfits for characters with same low level and useless perks problem. My solution is just have the perks at max level to start with and if possible give everyone the universal perks to as well.


              6th year anniversary stream happened with a road map of stuff come, probably the only person here playing it

              Nice change to waiting in in queues you can now actually move away from the match screen into the archives or store

              Save loads outs

              Overhaul to prestige, no longer lose perks/items, open up kill/sur perks into others characters inventory, this is massive for new players and a much needed fix to the grind.

              Another promise of balances to perks which will 90% not work on it own for reasons that will take forever to type out.

              New survivor looks ugly

              New killer looks awesome like Dark Souls Nito, a black cloud of death with a few limbs sticking out built around the concept of something hiding under the bed at night (or in this case lockers)

              Anime skins... attack on titan cross over

              Resident Evil chapter 2, a nice surprise. Last one gave us Leon/Jill/Nemesis with Chris/Claire skins and Police Station map, so i'd expect at least 1 survivor, 1 killer, 1 map, though who.... so many to choose from.

              a Dating sim spin off...


                Watched my son playing this. Looks really good fun


                  Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                  Watched my son playing this. Looks really good fun
                  It can be, one of those decently large communities (40k daily players just on steam, i play on PSN which probably another 5k) off in the corner of the internet playing a unique MP game.

                  Solo play is a steep learning curve and reliant other players not acting like dicks, hopefully the coming perk changes and bots in custom matches will ease them in.


                    Large gameplay update with the mid season patch, prestiging now gives that survivors/killers perk to everyone else in the loadout, prestige 3 times to unlock level 2 and 3 strength perks for everyone to use. Definitely fixes some of the intense grind new players face getting a decent playset.

                    however it wasn't the only big change, they nerfed the crutch 'meta' perks survivors used to escape tunnelling (getting targeted over and over until you're dead, no chance to do anything) while not giving much back in return. Dead Hard had the dodge removed (small sprint burst with a large window to evade any damage) to just a small 0.5 second evade to damage which needs timing on par with SF3 parrying, a tough nerf. 2nd nerf was to Decisive Strike originally allowed large window after getting unhooked to escape a pickup when redowned, complete with a long stun to the killer, thats all now nerfed to being useless.

                    I understand why they changes have been made, it was far to easy for SWF groups (friends playing together in 2 to 4 man squads) to bully weak/mid tier killers with these as backups to escape, but in doing so it's shat all over the solo queue where the lack of communication, a large quantity of casual players unable to loop and escape without the crutch of DH to save them and the 10sec increase to generator completion times make it really hard to 'carry' bad players and any killer in to tunnelling makes it even harder to escape being 1 man down a minute into the game. I just don't even bother trying if blight/nurse/trickster/wraith turn up, impossible to win. The kick back to these nerfs was giving everyone borrow timed for 5 seconds (take no damage off the hook) but without the rescuer being able to easily escape a camping killer i've been left on the hook a few times now, however it does free up a perk slot i used to fill with borrow time 90% of the time.

                    Have to see what happens in the fallout, lots of tears in the official forums, will the devs bend the knee and at least restore DH?? or will the community have to learn how to loop and hope some big nerfs happen to red/purple addon for top tier killers.

                    below is a little fun when an anti slug build works (unbreakable for 1 self revive and 35% recovery, tenacity to recover while moving, flip-flop to convert 35% recovery into the struggle bar and buck makes hooks not glow red through walls under 16m for the killer). Clown downs the save attempt while i finish the last gen and open the gate to to 99%, after that it me vs hook attempt and a good Dayne player buying me time.


                      New update brings a second Resident Evil theme,

                      RE2 police station reworked into 2 maps as it was horrible mess before, looked the part but didn't play well, not managed to get a game on these new maps yet to see the rework.

                      Wesker(RE5 ver) as killer plays like a quicker acting Nemesis, with his charged tentacle whip attack allowing you to make 2 short but fast leaps, if you hit a survivor he does a throw move that changes based on 3 things, are you fully infected it become a instant down(picks you up in one motion ready for the hook), not infected but close to a wall, you get slammed into it taking damage, no object behind you, you get thrown but get infected, infections can be removed with limited use 1st Aid spray cans. Perks are decent, super fast vault, Aura vision on carrying survivors and anti endgame perk that prevents healing if the exit gate is charged but not opened. Also talks alot which is fun, much like Hellraiser. Comes with a RE1 stars skin.

                      Ada(RE2) and Rebecca(RE0) as Survivors and look the part, Ada gets a trench coat 2nd skin and Rebecca gets her unlockable Zero Cowgirl outfit. 6 new Perks on there own are rubbish and require proper meta builds to make them work.

                      They also added a Hunk skin to Legion(killer) that really looks good and survivors skins for RE3 Carlos, RE1 Jill, RE2 Noir Leon and RE5 Sheva.

                      As far as the game goes with the huge changes in July to the gameplay, nothing(significate) was rolled back despite all the tears, so most survivors have had to adapt to the new found strength of Killers, i'm coming across alot more team based and aura perks in solo queue than before but it doesn't stop a killer player determined to camp and tunnel someone out of a game which isn't much fun.


                        Still playing regularly, couple of games every other night even when there is no season pass to grind, as despite it's many flaws and being quite difficult for even seasoned gamers to penetrate, its still very unique in the multiplayer world.

                        Since the last check in, we've some big balance changes, 2 new killers and 3 survivors, 1 new map, 2 reworked maps(basically new). The Knight, a tall undead medieval knight who can summon soldiers to chase after players so it's quite easy to be chased from 2 directions, came with some good perks to be worth unlocking, the survivors a middle aged Pagan like, his perks are middling.

                        During the knights release period (christmas) we had some changes to slow generator speeds which along with some powerful generator regression perks the killers had access to resulted in a new meta of kickgen/3gen defence(take forever to explain, along with gen rush) which the Knight is very good at, then in Feb they released the skull collector, which design wise is clearly the leftovers from a failed attempt to get the predator license, but now turned into a curvy woman with a claw arm and hi-tech scanning equipment, which unfortunately excels only in gen defence and lead to some awful games where the killer would refuse to go on the chase. The 2 new survivors Brazilian twins are pretty bad, their perks are worthless situational stuff that rarely happens and can be quickly stopped. This was the first DLC i've not brought it was that much of a stinker, used my earned in game points just get 3 new characters rather than spend £££.

                        And that brings to the present, big balance patch and a new season pass to hit in a week, and could mess things up for long time specially in solo queue where survivor nerfs hit hard. The dev's answer to the over use of gen defence perks was to try and lean into rewarding the chasing, as of now it was quite easy for a survivor who escaped injured from a killer to heal up with all sorts of items, perks or by other players in 10 seconds making the killer time spent chasing quite worthless, as generators would being getting done by the 2 or 3 other players with nothing to show for it. So now we'll get much longer default heal times, medkits can only be used for 1 full heal and self-heal perks got shafted hard along with the parrying perk 'Dead Hard' (half a second of invincibly) nerfed in to oblivion (1 time use in the match which requires players to safely save someone else from a hook to even turn it on for use during the match).

                        interesting times ahead... below was a fun match from yesterday with a chill killer playing wesker and me on Ace with a Mad Hatter outfit.


                          DBD check-in time! Since the last one 4 months ago we've have Hollywood and sci-fi theme brought to DBD, 2 new killers, 3 survivors. First a original sci-fi take of a spaceships A.I. gone mad after fusing with alien relics called Hux, his main power is shooting bio-pod cameras which when manually controlled can tag players, once tagged he can then use the bipod again or his gun arm to teleport on top of them with bonuses to speed/vaulting/getting pallet stunned. Ultimately they over balanced survivors emp item they can use against him, which disables the bipod for 45 seconds and removes the tag off a survivor if they have one, making him really weak against discord teams (SWF parties) and not much better against solo players experienced with him. The survivor Gabriel looks like a star trek background character but comes with one of the strongest perks 'made for this' gives 3% haste when injured which doesn't sound much but just that half second of distance between you can killer means the safety of a window or pallet and even comes with a bonus ability to get endurance for you and anyone you get up off the floor injured, fully expecting it to get nerfed as it's really strong against what the community calls m1 killers (killers that have no chase power and can only swing a basic attack) and combines with Hope for 10% haste when the gates open... killers can not catch up to it even with bloodlust.

                          After that came Nicola Cage as a survivor, plenty of costumes based on his films, 10 to 15 minutes of voice work (like humming the Halloween theme when chased by Myers), lots of meme/fun perks, one makes you scream when you see the killer, the other gives you 2 seconds haste boost followed by gambling on 5 outcomes which can be negative and lastly to be able to play dead when injured which also allows you to recover to healthy once during the match and once during endgame (exit gates powered).

                          And as of Tuesday, Alien franchise was added, the Xenomorph as a killer, crashed nostromo as a map and Ripley (with a sound alike VA) as the survivor. Alien is pretty great, fun to play like Wesker (of ResEvil fame), crawls into tunnels to come out and surprise survivors, uses his tail for a long reach attack and in crawler mode moves very fast, to help survivors they get use auto turrets which spew fire knocking the alien into his walking on his hindlegs slowing him down to normal pace with a tiny slowdown on the animation change. Perks for both aren't great, but Ripley's perks are especially very poor, one of them just doesn't work, Lightfooted make running steps quiet.... but your character breaths heavily when running still, along with usual scratch marks and pools of blood on the floor when injured and apparently can still be heard with listening perks/killer addons.

                          other stuff.. they made balance changes to improve the Ring's Sadako which then made her impossible to play against, i've not won a match against her since the changes (basically 2 or more escape) and often players will just d/c or hook suicide to get out of the match. Still nothing in regards to fixing the 3-genning power of Knight and Boremerchant. And they added survivor bots to players that D/C so the match can carry on... however they often mess up skill checks even beginner players wouldn't do (when not pressured by perks/killer powers) which just becomes hinderance to be around them.
                          Last edited by Tobal; 30-08-2023, 20:47.


                            Chucky is coming, just watched some of the test server stuff, looks an attacking Pig (Saw killer). unique 3rd person view is very interesting and 2 strong perks.


                              Been while since the last check in. Last 6 months gave DBD, a Chucky who is a fun stealth killer and the unknown, an x-files like monster of the week, while the survivors got Alan Wake and a Goth girl. SoloQ is about as bad as it has ever been, with the focus on faster matchmaking over skill levels leads to some terribly mismatched games for both sides, which then feeds negative experiences to be paid forward to the next match, a true cycle of hate which isn't helped by the current main meta of tunnelling 1 person out while a full gen-slow perk load out covers the chasing of 1 person, and in response the survivors have to gen rush or for partied up players(swf) go full bully mode with for the people, flashbangs, sabotages and flash torches. I still find it's fun (somehow) and enjoy doing the season pass challenges.

                              Enough of the gameplay meta nonsense as the anniversary is here, after the press event yesterday are getting a Dungeons and Dragons themes map, survivor and killer which is a lich. Looks alot of fun, with a mechanic around using 4 spells and the survivors in defence getting treasure chest item boosters (with 1 a mimic). After that came the news of a time limited event for 2 killers vs 8 survivors and that Castlevania will be the next expansion (hopefully be as good a Resident Evils double expansion where we got the entire cast)

                              new killer in action on the test server

