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The Photography Thread 2

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    Well I mean, it looks fairly good for the internal application I have in mind.


      They are worth the money as you can do stuff like this


        Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
        That last one is awesome ej, really nice colours

        Originally posted by MartyG View Post
        Yup, definitely a lot of throwaway shots with macro stuff - a ring flash can help you get a higher shutter speed, but they can be pricey. I've seen some cheap LED ones on Amazon and eBay; I'm sure one was mentioned in this thread at some point but I don't remember seeing photos from it. Given they are ?20-40 I should get one just to see.

        One of B&H's lectures is on macro, which I'm watching now:
        I almost bought an old Minolta AF ring flash the other day that was only ?69... but then I discovered that to get it to work with a modern DSLR you need a rare control unit that costs several hundred pounds! I'm looking around for some reviews of the cheap ones on ebay to see if any are worth getting.

        I'll have a look at those B&H videos once I've got through the Lightroom videos I've got clogging up my watch later list on youtube. Thanks for the links.


          Bought a Canon 270EXII flash yesterday. Never used a flash before besides the pop up one, need to do some reading on that as I can't quite get my head around it all yet.

          and I started putting together a little personal photography website yesterday


            Can be a very useful tool if used creatively - it's worth getting a remote trigger for them too as this opens up more possibilities.

            It seems my idea for the Macro round of APoY was a non-starter, it seems that the theme is Insects, Flowers & Plants. Presumably because you can't take macro photos of other stuff. Ah well, I got some interesting pics anyway so it wasn't time wasted.


              Interesting shot Marty.

              I use Gitzo and it is expensive but oozes quality. Have a mono and ball-head. Only niggle is they didn't support (until recently) ARCA style plates. They now do an adaptor kit.


                MartyG, what is that a picture of?


                  It's the insides of a slinky.

                  Picked up an XF1, well it was pay day. Really nice looking camera, but far lighter than I was expecting, my Canon S110 is heavier (and smaller).

                  Last edited by MartyG; 31-07-2014, 12:48.


                    Nice camera. how many cameras do you own now? Seems to be quite a lot.

                    I should have know it was a slinky too


                      More than any sane person would consider reasonable and enough to have a different one each week for over a year


                        Holly ****, now that is a lot of cameras. Next time my wife complains that I have too many consoles I'll say "yeah, but I only have 1 camera with two lenses. Check out this guy"


                          MartyG is due to feature on the "Hoarders next Door" as his family stage an intervention as they cannot visit him due to his house overflowing with bottles of Chilli, Cameras and old 360 games with non function DLC codes.


                            The consoles going back to the Binatone probably take up the most room

                            And just so photography features in this post - I saw these linked the other day which look quite neat, although it requires the dedicated app to work as a flash - it's more a portable continuous light really. The Iblazr.
                            Last edited by MartyG; 01-08-2014, 13:18.


                              Caught a few quick snaps of an open air art exhibition called "Minimum Monument" to commemorate those who died in World War 1.

                              5,000 of these little chaps were laid out in Birmingham's Chamberlain Square to melt in the sun. Some had microphones embedded in them, with the sounds of cracking and shattering played over speakers in real time.


                                Nice shot Taka.
                                Wish I'd known about that...would have popped into town for a look.

