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Reviews of retro video games

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  • Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Review - Nintendo DS

    Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Review - Nintendo DS

    What plays like Trace Memory, is set out akin to a series of "24", and has characters that appear as if they came straight from the set of A-Ha's "Take on Me"? Hotel Dusk: Room 215. The "plays like Trace Memory" (Another Code in the UK) factor isn't surprising given it has been produced by the same developer, Cing, who have built upon the foundation of the first game to deliver another intriguing and gripping point-and-click experience. The major question remains whether it has eliminated some of...
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  • Geist Review - Nintendo Gamecube

    Geist Review - Nintendo Gamecube

    You are dead. Well, technically that isn't strictly true. Whilst investigating the Volks Corporation, something went wrong and now John Raimi is without a body - just a ghost in a machine waiting to be brainwashed for a project no one on the outside yet knows about. However help is at hand; a ghostly child called Gigi breaks Raimi out and now it is a race against time for him to figure out how to get his body back and prevent the sinister plot unfolding.
    This generation has been a somew...
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  • Feel The Magic Review - Nintendo DS

    Feel The Magic Review - Nintendo DS

    Wario Ware was like a breath of fresh air in a currently somewhat stale gaming environment. True, it may not have been 100% original (with games such as Lazy Jones for the C64 back in the 80s and BishiBashi Special already out), but it succeeded brilliantly in attracting regular players and non-gamers alike. What is strange is that in the two years since its release, there hasn't been a clone following it up. No mass stampede to copy a promising game genre. And now Sega have stepped into the frame...
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  • Excite Truck Review - Nintendo Wii

    Excite Truck Review - Nintendo Wii

    Even the most loyal of Nintendo supporters could not disagree that the majority of the launch titles available for the machine were, in some way, ports or upgrades from other formats. ExciteTruck happens to be one of the exceptions; a bruising bounce-around, fun-laden truck racer with big aspirations and even bigger air. The question to ask: can it stand out from the other releases by virtue of its differing features?
    If truth be told, there is almost nothing on display that could not h...
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  • Burnout 2 Review - Nintendo Gamecube

    Burnout 2 Review - Nintendo Gamecube

    What do you do, as a software company, when you find you have a surprise original hit on your hands? Go write a sequel, that's what. And what is the first unwritten rule of writing a sequel? Don't change the formula too much, but add a few new bits in, tweak things around and spruce up the graphics somewhat. All of these could apply to Burnout 2, which in the main plays very much like its predecessor.
    If you are familiar with the original Burnout, then there should be no real problem settl...
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  • Banjo Kazooie Review - Nintendo GBA

    Banjo Kazooie Review - Nintendo GBA

    During the latter part of their tenure with Nintendo, Rare were often accused of copying many of their partner's game ideas. Certainly for Starfox Adventures it is much like Zelda, and Diddy Kong Racing was a counterpart to Mario Kart. Then there was Banjo Kazooie, Rare's flagship platform game looking to out-Mario Mario itself. In some ways, the two N64 releases actually expanded upon and bettered Nintendo's landmark game, with greater graphics, interactive seamless environments and some downright...
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  • Apollo Justice Review - Nintendo DS

    Apollo Justice Review - Nintendo DS

    Every end has a beginning; every beginning has an end; everything comes full-circle eventually. Such is the nature of life; such is the nature of the Ace Attorney series and the fates of the characters within it. For the fourth instalment, Capcom have dispensed with Phoenix Wright as the main protagonist. In his place stands Apollo Justice, a rookie defence lawyer looking to prove himself. The main question being asked was whether, in time, fans would take to him as they did to Phoenix . ...
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  • Another Code Review - Nintendo DS

    Another Code Review - Nintendo DS

    Point and click adventures, such as "Day of the Tentacle" and "Sam and Max", have become one of those genres left by the wayside in recent years. Which is a pity, as anyone who has played a Lucasarts adventure will testify, there's a lot of enjoyment to gain when done right. Another Code is a tantalising glimpse of a game harking back to such wistful days that could have been great but doesn't quite reach the level set before. The plot focuses around Ashley Robins, a girl who has been living...
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  • Cubic Lode Runner Review - Nintendo Gamecube

    Cubic Lode Runner Review - Nintendo Gamecube

    Not many American game ideas over the years have been taken into the hearts of the Japanese, but Lode Runner is one of them. Written for the Apple II in 1981, it was converted to major home formats over the next few years including the C64 and NES, and was even turned into an arcade machine. It has also been given the odd update, the most recent being on the N64. Now it is the turn of the Gamecube to receive a version of the classic collect 'em up.
    The premise of the game is fairly simpl...
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  • Geometry Wars Galaxies Review - Nintendo Wii

    Geometry Wars Galaxies Review - Nintendo Wii

    From little acorns do tall oaks grow. Geometry Wars began life as a bonus game inside Project Gotham Racing 2, though such was the word of mouth it is not surprising to learn some people were merely buying PGR2 just to play it. Since then the Geometry Wars franchise has managed to change, improve and refine its aspects with each iteration, bringing us finally to its first stand-alone retail excursion. But is what was once a bonus game now worthy of its new price tag? Pleasingly and thankfully,...
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  • Devil May Cry 3 Review - Sony PS2
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    Family reunions tend to follow one of two distinct protocols: everyone meets up, reminisces and has a good old chat and a laugh; or everyone meets up, reminisces and remembers why it’s been so long since they last saw each other, the evening ending in a ferocious argument. Why is this relevant to this Devil May Cry 3 review?
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  • Viewtiful Joe Review - Nintendo Gamecube
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    Pink Lycra. There just isn't enough of it in video games. So Capcom have bravely stepped-up to the plate and given us a game, starring a Hot Pink hero, clad in a spandex jumpsuit, that isn't afraid to be laid back and humorous in style, whilst containing some rock-solid gameplay at its core. Like a piece of candy with a stone centre, Viewtiful Joe is sweet and tempting to the eye, but underneath is solid rock. Our hero is introduced in the opening cut-scene as a bubble-headed, California-accented Sk8r Boi, o...
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    Castlevania: White Night Concerto is the latest instalment in Konamis Castlevania series. It is the second title for the GBA, but the first Castlevania game appeared on the NES back in 1987. It is ostensibly a platform game, like its predecessors. Certain things have remained constant throughout the series- in all but a couple of Castlevania outings, the main protagonist (in this case Juste Belmont) brandishes a whip. Secondary weapons are also available. Again these weapons are the same as tho...
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  • Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Mugen no Frontier EXCEED Review - Nintendo DS
    by Steven Walker
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