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Burnout 3

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    YouWin, if the profile is only 6blocks you should be able to save onto the Memory Card - just do it via the dashboard, select the file you want and then choose Copy. The only reason the Dashboard won't let you copy across to the card is if the file is too large.


      Originally posted by PeteJ
      YouWin, if the profile is only 6blocks you should be able to save onto the Memory Card - just do it via the dashboard, select the file you want and then choose Copy. The only reason the Dashboard won't let you copy across to the card is if the file is too large.
      I think a few games are 'protected'
      Burnout 2 was one. Though I've never tried myself so can't say 100%


        Originally posted by PeteJ
        YouWin, if the profile is only 6blocks you should be able to save onto the Memory Card - just do it via the dashboard, select the file you want and then choose Copy. The only reason the Dashboard won't let you copy across to the card is if the file is too large.

        pete, just looked in the mirror and i cant see the big 800N (is that being too clever ? ) tatoo etched into my forhead - like tyler says some games you just cant use the memory card on.

        And whats really wierd is that i also thought that BO2 was the same, not being able to transfer onto MC, however just checked it again and BO2 you can. I know that the saves in BO2 are region specific, from playing the game on different xbox's.
        Perhaps thats whats happening to my save, maybe i'm playing a NTSC version at the mo (hopefully its a Aus Pal version, but am not sure) and the Xbox is set to Pal, so it's not allowing the save to be copied across, all seems a bit wierd........
        Last edited by YOUWIN; 06-09-2004, 10:23.


          Ok, never realised they could lock the save files. Can't imagine why they'd want too, either...


            yeah it's the same with a few games, Sega GT Online is one that springs to mind.


              Yeh burnout2 was exactly the same... it was locked and you couldnt copy the save over to another machine. They hacked it on though, there is a link there somewhere to a .ppf file or something you apply to the save which removes the lock.

              I am sure someone will figure it out for BO3 as well but given how easy it is to unlock most of the stuff I dont see it as an issue. Its only the later special cars that will need some serious skill to achieve.

              As for the preview and burning lap races where you have to beat a single lap time to get gold, man they are far and away the hardest part of the game so far but they are definitely achievable.

              The first one is 1.03s and I managed it in just a shade over 1min. The trick is in burning lap, preview and takedown races you accrue burnout boost alot easier so as soon as the lap starts get into oncoming traffic and then just keep the boost down the entire time. If you crash usually you are going to have to retry. Burning laps usually mean no crashes, preview you can get away with 1-2 in later races.

              When you retry the traffic often seems similar, is in not entirely random. So learn the track well and pick which side of the road you are going to race on in certain sections.

              Also as well as that drifting too much or over-drifting loses you speed really quick. If you do this remove the your finger from the boost button and re-apply, it usually gets you back up to top speed quicker... plus in some sections dont bother drifting at all as wall-riding keeps the speed up better.

              The first lap stage in Asia in the super series is an absolute bitch for this, I ended up wall riding some sections and shaved 2 seconds off to get the gold easily so dont be scared to try it. The collision detection is that forgiving its a must in some parts.

              Im on 58% now. Got all the super series nearly complete which just leaves the special series. They are all the vehicles with 1 bar for weight and maxed out top speed. Ouch!


                is it multi-region!?!?



                  does the pal one have 60hz option ?


                    Anyone going to check their local independants tomorrow in the hope they're selling it early? I know I will be!


                      My local said they have had it confirmed that they wont recieve it until Thursday, dunno if thats the case for all indies though


                        Mine might be getting it tomorrow, will find out in the morning either way though.


                          Is this one of those games, like outrun 2, where the exterior cam is probably the best to use?



                            I dunno mate!?!? I havent got an NTSC Xbox, if you want I could change mine to NTSC with config magic and test it but I am 99% sure it wont be.

                            If you read the review they mention incompatibility between NTSC and PAL regions. I havent been able to confirm this up until now as the US didnt even have the game yet. If this is the case then its safe to say it wont be.

                            does the pal one have 60hz option ?

                            Yes. I already mentioned this, the PAL version is PAL60 compatible, 480P compatible and 16:9 as well. The only thing is people running it with PAL60 in the dashboard will not be able to connect to people running in PAL50 and vice versa. When you go online it gives you a message informing you of this.

                            Is this one of those games, like outrun 2, where the exterior cam is probably the best to use?

                            I use the internal bumper view the whole time and prefer it here. The sense of speed from that view is greatly enhanced but I know other players use the exterior view instead. Both are fine...


                              Nonny - thanks dood! - if you could find out it would be a help, I was going to buy it in PAL land but if its not multi-region I'll wait for my US copy to arrive.

                              So if you have PAL running in 50hz mode and you want to play someone from the US then you are screwed?! Thats poor.



                                Yep really poor but it should only affect a few people with really old TVs... it informs you what mode you are in when you go online so if you've forgotten to turn on PAL60 youd know as well.

