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Burnout 3

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    i thought any progressive scan mode was only available on NTSC xbox's - so if it has this mode then it should work on a US xbox ---- however, no EA game released on xbox upto now has been multi-region, the majority of them won't even work on modded consoles without using a video-mode selector


      Got the game today here in Holland. So much has already been said by Nonny and the others that I really don't have anything to add. I can say that you get used to the controls (L/R for accelaration and brakes) fairly quickly, although it does seem to put a bigger strain on your fingers. Shame that they dropped the post-race replay though.

      Well back to the living room. There's so much new stuff in B3 that it really blows your mind!


        Just phoned my local indie and he has received the first batch of copies. Guess where I'm off to after work?


          Anyone checked out the wheel support on PS2?


            Originally posted by nonny

            I use the internal bumper view the whole time and prefer it here. The sense of speed from that view is greatly enhanced but I know other players use the exterior view instead. Both are fine...
            Thanks for that. Im a bumper cam man myself. As much as i love outrun 2 the whole exterior cam thing is pretty alien to me.


              Originally posted by nonny
              Yep really poor but it should only affect a few people with really old TVs... it informs you what mode you are in when you go online so if you've forgotten to turn on PAL60 youd know as well.
              But the question is, can people using PAL60 connect to games with people using genuine NTSC (like wot we 'as got in America)?

              The Gamespot piece says simply, "those with NTSC copies of the game won't be able to play against PAL users due to the speed and timing changes inherent in making a game for both standards."

              If that's true then I have no reason to buy it. Almost my entire XBL friends list is in the UK.


                I have just hit 28% in this and I love it to bits.. Such a fantastic racer, and a major progression from BO2.

                I am stuck on the Preview races with the F1 type car at the moment.. SO very very hard..


                  Originally posted by the shape
                  But the question is, can people using PAL60 connect to games with people using genuine NTSC (like wot we 'as got in America)?

                  The Gamespot piece says simply, "those with NTSC copies of the game won't be able to play against PAL users due to the speed and timing changes inherent in making a game for both standards."

                  If that's true then I have no reason to buy it. Almost my entire XBL friends list is in the UK.
                  Yep, you can play. Part of this problem is an American site not understanding something that isn't a problem there.

                  It might be worth mentioning that PS2 60hz *is* NTSC afaik. But there isn't a problem anyway.


                    I thought long and hard about importing the US version but am glad now that I waited because by the looks of things youll be able to get a PAL copy as early as tomorrow from some naughty shops. Im prepared to wait until friday though to allow me to become even more excited about getting it.


                      just wanting to know if the pal ones in online mode you can race people from us and europe or what ?


                        Just had my first session on it. My Burnout love affair has begun all over again. Genius stuff. Plays fantastically, makes your eyes bleed, and looks great too. Loving it.


                          You lot are ****ing evil. I've still yet to get my hands on this.


                            gamefocus had xbox copies since yesterday, all sold out ft:
                            Last edited by NeilMcRae; 08-09-2004, 19:17.


                              i like burnout but i may have to ignore it and get outrun 2 as it's more immediately accessible. i've got zero time on my hands for games nowadays so about 90% of my time goes on old megadrive games that i already know how to play

                              i've borrowed burnout 3 (us ver so not on live) and i love it in multiplayer, but i haven't got time to fart about unlocking stuff. heck, my burnout 2 save game was taken over by my little bro (8 yrs old btw) who got the extra cars and tracks for me as i just couldn't be bothered.

                              i'll see what happens though, but according to another post, loads of uk bo3 players are playing in pal50 instead of pal60 so that guy couldn't join them

                              ps2 will be an even bigger problem as about 99% of uk ps2 owners (my stats, no real evidence) never use the ntsc mode in their games as they don't have rgb scart leads and/or haven't set up their tellys properly

                              but still, every time i play it all this negativity goes out the window as i switch to bumper-view (my friends hate that view because it's harder to tailgate as you don't know what's up ahead! pansies!) and the outer parts of the screen blur, and those EA production values kick in - the wicked movies in the GUI, the music, the little EA sign telling you what music is on

                              and that training movie at the start is hilarious, with the handwriting scrawled all over it!

                              i'm glad EA published it, as it'll definitely get the attention it deserves in the run-up to xmas (although i dunno how well burnout 1 & 2 sold)


                                Got a copy of the Xbox version this afternoon. Spent the last few hours tearing up the streets. As other people have already said, it pretty much rocks. I wasn't too keen on the takedown angle at first, as my mind was set to purely racing, but once you get into it you're twating cars off the road left, right and centre. My only real complaint is there's no indicator of where your opponent is behind you when using the first person view, so it's difficult to take any pre-emptive measures. A proper rear view mirror would have solved this but I'm guessing that would have taken a hit on the performance of the game (you can look back, but with the speed this game travels you can't afford to take your eyes of the road for one second!).

                                The game is also a lot more challenging than BO2 (which I breezed through without losing a race), with a more open ended structure and plenty of extra game modes to tackle. The reward structure is also well conceived, with new cars unlocked for hitting certain milestones. So you will no doubt end up going back to some of the earlier events to beat your previous scores.

                                Anyway...back to it....

