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Outrun2 Demo

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    I hope the handling has been sorted out. I played this at a games expo a few weeks back and when drifting there wasn't the same control as in the arcades. Maybe it is because I have become accustomed to the steering wheel.



      Originally posted by Roost
      I was lucky then my sis text me at 12pm saying she'd got me one whilst i was at work, that must of been one of the last as well then
      i got mine from the downstairs game in hanley at about 1:30pm must have been one of the last few. good job i didn't leave it any longer


        Oh me, oh my. Well, one thing's for sure, it's a solid game. I have had it running on my xbox for well over 24hrs.

        I can't believe that the game I would class as the "game I'm currently playing" is a console demo. It's just so good.

        A big thank you to ntsc-uk for being here as it has provided the social aspect that keeps you improving. Can't wait until we get bigger, fatter connections and more web space so that we can all upload video captures of gameplay. Then we'll be able to learn from seeing others play. We'll be back to proper social gaming then, with ppl we don't know, (the best bit of the arcades for me, new styles, etc...). I guess the ghost upload/download addresses this a bit, so yay!!

        It's kept me off of Gradius though, so marks off for that

        I think I'll have another go...


          Is it only me but I find this game very boring after a few races. Other than the lush graphics and satisfying powerslides there's not much more to it.

          Please tell me I'm missing something in this game because I desperately want to enjoy it more.


            i think it depends what you want from an arcade racer, i personally like no thrills arcade racers, thats why i dont like Burnout 3 but love this, i spent a good few hours yesterday playing it.

            And multiplayer is just amazing fun. Will be great when you have so many different ways to choose to go.


              so what happens with the next level choice in the Arcade ? is it the player currently in first position who chooses the route ?


                Just the demo alone is the best game released all year as far as i'm concerned. I love Gradius V and ESP Galuda etc but the Outrun 2 demo is the best thing since sliced bread. When the full game is released my life will be complete and i'll be able to die a happy man. Its that good.

                Davidholliss...yeah the player in 1st place at each intersection chooses the route that the others have to go.


                  I was not expecting to like this at all after struggling with it once in the arcades but for some reason I can't stop playing even though I come last in just about every race I play (unless catchup is on). Going to ble playing it a lot today as I will be away from home for the next couple of weeks and almost certainly won't get a chance to play in that time


                    Just think, if we're going this nuts for a mere demo, the **** will truly hit the gaming fan on the 1st of October.


                      Anyone tried this with a wheel yet?


                        Ive spent about 6/7 hours on it now, and online its just amazing fun, i personally preffer catchup on atm as it makes a nice close race. But i think the best will be with catchup off and traffic on.

                        Just the idea of 8 peeps racing through traffic and forcing peeps into cars sounds to much fun.

                        Easily the most fun game ive played this year.


                          Anyone else had problems with lag on collisions?

                          I often find a car comes into contact with me or vice versa and suddenly everything jumps around and before I know it I'm on the beach or miles behind. I can honestly not think of one time where I have come out on top even when the other car comes into my side and is behind me. I don't think its my connection and everything is smooth as silk normally.

                          Still love this game all the same.


                            i only find that happens with catchup on, hopefully they will fix it for the release.


                              I haven?t really played this too much, 10-12 goes perhaps. I can?t seem to get under a min on the first two stages. I think I am suffering from over drifting.

                              Drifting is nice but it seems a bit useless, why drift at a steady speed when you can just turn as normal and carry on accelerating? I?m sure it will become apparent to me later on.

                              I?m really enjoying this though.

                              Cant play it online but from signal player I can see you cannot turn around a drive backwards \o/. Not that it would really matter in this game as the tracks arnt looped. I only wanted to drive back to hit the flag guy

                              What are the different difficulties like? Do you get less/more time or is there less/more traffic? I know I could try it myself, but I?m lazy


                                Ok played about 10 more games with a Fan on top the TV and a Tie around my chest (to mimic seatbelt) No room for a blow up doll on this chair so that?s staying under the bed

                                Still cant get under 1min on stage 1-2, I am teetering around 1,01 to 1,03... oh well

                                Time to use my home made OutRun Avatar!
                                Last edited by Jakeway; 05-09-2004, 13:36.

