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Biohazard 4 - Trial version

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    Biohazard 4 - Trial version

    Just got this today and Im really pleased to say that its awesome! The graphics
    are nice and detailed and the animation is really smooth. No Biohazard game has made me jump so much since the first game. Controls are really tight and responsive. The AI is amazing! The zombies(or whatever they are) gang up on you and wont stop hunting until they find you. Still need to finish it though so will post later with more impressions.

    Sounding good.... think i might need to order myself a copy.... Any chance of posting any pics..?


      How long would you say the demo is?
      In terms of minutes.
      Is it a timed demo?


        Gah ! Venom you tease. Give us more info !!!

        I'll second Ravons request for pics too


          Im not too sure as I havent finished it yet. There seems to be a lot of stuff that you can do though.


            I should be able to get better pics at TGS!


              Ah you lucky bugger. I'm waiting for mine... though am very excited to get my little paws on it. Definitely keep us up-to-date with your impressions buddy

              I second geektanic weezmacht question: Is it like the Metroid Prime 2 demo where there isnt a set time and you are free to roam as long as you like or it is like the Wind Waker demo where there is a time limit? ^_^
              ----Member since April 2002



                Nice one, Venom. I should have mine in a few days.

                I presume the options are for full screen 16:9 or letterboxed when you start up as the game is widescreen only isnt it? Hmm can't wait to try it on the projector in prog scan


                  There doesnt seem to be a time limit. Theres a point on the map of the village that you need to get to. At the moment, Im just trying to stay alive and out of the chainsaw guy's sight!!!!


                    Originally posted by dc-arena
                    Nice one, Venom. I should have mine in a few days.

                    I presume the options are for full screen 16:9 or letterboxed when you start up as the game is widescreen only isnt it? Hmm can't wait to try it on the projector in prog scan
                    I didnt really notice that! Yeah, its widescreen, but it looks really cool and cinematic.


                      I played this (assuming its the same demo) at ECTS, and the chainsaw man is just awesome - what I liked was that the enemies appear to have decent AI, I ran into a house and up to the first floor (after blasting through a glass window at some zombies hanging on outside, sending them flying) thinking that Id escape, but they followed me, I was just quick enough to turn around to see myself about to be minced by chainsaw-man. I found the viewpoint odd, and aiming a bit hit and miss, but on the whole Im wanting this one badly.


                        If it's the same demo as E3\ ECTS, it takes about 15 minutes to finish but there is no time limit. The great thing about the demo is that the final section gives you a chance to experience loads of different things, be it hiding, shooting, hiding, shooting or getting ripped to pieces by a guy with a chainsaw.

                        Marcus's standoff at ECTS was pure class, almost like the zombie version of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Similar outcome too, expcept the film didn't have Paul Newman getting his head cut to pieces by a chainsaw.


                          So its sounding like a totally different experience from the other RE series, which for me is a good thing .. they always seemed too dull. A bit more action like a evil dead film that suits me just fine..


                            Very exciting stuff - can't wait to try it out

                            Venom, what are the vids on the DVD like?


                              Structurally the previous RE games always felt like a text adventure, with interactive graphics...Biohazard 4 however seem alot smoother all round, I never got far on those older games, if there is less picture lighting, door opening, health finding, I'll be a happy person.

