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Phantom Dust

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    Phantom Dust

    Received my copy yesterday and spent a few hours in it's company last night. Initial impressions are very promising.

    I've passed all the preliminary introduction and tutorial missions and about to embark on the main meat of the game and so far it's looking good. The game kind of plays a bit like Phantom Crash - fast moving arena based action - but with a whole heap of strategy involved, and looks to be very deep. As for the story and setting, it reminds me a lot of the Battle Angel Alita manga.

    Visual this game is stunning, probably one of the best looking games I've seen this year. The main hub of the game where you spend your time between missions actually looks pre-rendered at times (this is helped greatly by the light blooming effect). I've only played a handful of arenas so far but they all look pretty nice (amazing cloud effects), but what has impressed me the most is the destructable scenery. There's the usual stuff like collapsing bridges and whatnot, but what is really nice is the way you leave craters in a manga stylee when you jump off anything high. It really gives the impressions your character is hard as nails.

    The whole package just feels highly polished. It would be a crying shame if this game didn't get a release outside of asia, at least MS should allow another publisher to pick it up. My only gripe so far is the lack of 16:9 support, other than that looks to be an excellent game.

    Anyone else picked up a copy yet?

    im interested. Can you explain how the combat works, i understand everyone starts out with simple moves, you upgrade during battles. I think


      Damn, I forgot to order this!

      What are the multiplayer options?


        Well at the moment I'm picking them up during battle, but I think later on you buy new skills (from around 300) and then choose which ones you want to take into the arena. I've just got to the point where I can buy my own skills so I will update later on with more info.

        Not sure on multiplayer, I know it has 4 player live, but I don't know about split screen and system link.



          Is it region free? I have the famistu demo of this and I really enjoyed it. It was all in japanese though but once you got the hang of picking up orbs and assigning them to the Y,X,B,A buttons and locking on etc... it all becomes very playable.

          Only thing is I want to play this online as I reckon 4 players would be mental. Also does it play all in english in your PAL Xbox a la Panzer Dragoon Orta?


            I've seen so little about this game, but it looks amazing.

            I didn't even know it was released!!


              It plays all in English on my modded PAL xbox, but doesn't work when the chip is off, so it doesn't seem to be region free.



                Ok fair enough, I guess I will just keep my fingers crossed for a US or PAL release then. Oh and yes the graphics are quality in the game, very stylish and I love the way the levels deform completely...

                If anyone does manage to have a go of this over Xbox LIVE be sure to post it here.


                  Originally posted by nonny

                  Ok fair enough, I guess I will just keep my fingers crossed for a US or PAL release then.
                  Microsoft have officially announced they will not be releasing Phantom Dust in the US or Europe.

                  Whole minor outcry over this, since it's a Microsoft Japan developed game; people assumed it was a sure thing it'd get a Western release, then at the last moment they just about faced and said they weren't going to do it. No explanation why. The creator (he worked on Panzer Dragoon Saga, among other things) was absolutely gutted; he even pressed for a region-free release of the game, specifically stating he wanted to make it easy for people to import it, but apparently the ESRB said no.

                  Whether Microsoft will change their mind in the future I have no idea, of course. It might happen. But apparently, last I heard the answer is no. Currently the main reason I'm considering chipping my XBox. If only I hadn't already dropped a load of money on getting a Japanese PS2... oh, well.


                    Is this worth getting for the single-player alone? Since it's an Xbox Live game but the online part won't work on many people's modded systems...


                      actually the game can be picked up by a 3rd party publisher in the West ... after recent media heralding (high scores in xbox famitsu and famitsu weekly) the game is being pushed around to various publishers .... i have a feeling we will see this game released in the West sometime soon


                        Nope, no multi region support unfortunately, despite Yukio Futatsugi fighting for it.

                        Racked up a couple of hours now and I'm still working through introduction missions, but the game is more complex than I first imagined so they're definitely needed. It's starting to come across like a complex game of scissors-paper-rock. Each skill can be exploited by another, so balance is the key. No point in going into battle with range of power when you can't defend yourself. I'm also liking the way you're able assign skills on the fly, which means each person will develop their own setup. For example I always assign a defense skill to X (because the skill is blue in colour) and three attack skills to the rest, with my main attack assigned to A (as the skill is red in colour...see the theme there? ). 300 skills to choose from the combinations are huge, which is probably great online as you'll never meet anyone with the same setup.

                        The more I play it the more it draws me in, the story is worthy of a an anime series or manga.

                        As for multiplayer, it's 4 players across XBL, system link and split screen.
                        Last edited by MonkeyWrench; 29-09-2004, 10:11.


                          Care to explain what kind of game it is? Tactically, objective-based, etc? Like, how does it play out? I've no idea what the game is about and, you'll have to forgive my ignorane, but I don't know what 'Phantom Crash' and 'Battle Angel Alita' are either You said arena based action, something like Armored Core or Virtual-On spring to mind here...


                            The interweb is an amazing thing

                            Phantom Dust:
                            Phantom Crash:
                            Battle Angel Alita:


                              This is playable over Xlink KAI if anyone wants to try it with their chip enabled. I suppose once you get used to it in english then playing over Live in japanese might be a bit easier.

                              Anyone care to try it using Xlink?

