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Dororo (Blood Will Tell)

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    Dororo (Blood Will Tell)

    I got the US version of this Sega game yesterday. Spent about an hour and a half playing it last night. Apart from the rather strange English title (Dororo in Japan, Blood Will Tell in the US). The game is actually rather entertaining.

    It?s an action adventure hack-em / shoot-em up, which seems to be heavily story driven. Whether this turns out to be a good or bad thing remains to be seen, but the story seems to be pretty interesting so far.

    Combat wise there?s a few nice touches. For starters our samurai styled hero has had some of his body parts altered. He has removable forearms that reveal two swords, a grenade launcher in his knee and a machine gun in his elbow. It all sounds a bit naff, but the plot sort of makes it all plausible.

    It features a levelling system and character stats, a 2 player co-op mode (player 2 controls Hyakimarru?s sidekick Dororo), combo systems, special attacks and perhaps rather uniquely for a video game these days the entire prologue is played out in black and white - our hero sees using his mind until he regains his eye from one of the 48 fiends he has to destroy. In fact the game is a good lesson in anatomy as Hyakimarru has to claim back 48 stolen body parts, which effect his performance during the course of the adventure.

    I was actually quite interested in this. It would be the Japanese version, though (no US PS2) and some of the reviews I saw seemed to imply it was 1) a fairly standard, somewhat flawed 3rd-person actioner (bad camera, not much depth to the combat) and 2) not that worth playing if you can't understand the story. They did seem to imply it was very old-skool, pattern-based stuff, though, so maybe certain people on this forum would approve of it! They also didn't seem to credit the replay value much... no mention of unlockables, and again, implying the lack of depth to the combat didn't make it that worth playing through again. Rebuttals? Or not?

    (You know it's based on a manga from Osamu Tezuka, right? )


      Yeah, I know about the Manga, but I've been unable to track down translations.

      Still back to the game. I don't think the combat is flawed, so much as the enemies are just plain stupid. Mostly they just materialise and then wait for you to stroll up and hack them to pieces. Its such a heavily story driven game that you need to be able to understand what is going on to get the most out of it. As for unlockables, there are two on the main menu, which presumably become active on completion.

      The combo system could have been better. It's very much dial a combo and doesn't allow you to link from the regular combo into the slice attacks or link them with the ballistic weapons, which is a real shame

