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Def Jam Vendetta 2

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    Def Jam Vendetta 2

    I liked Def Jam Vendetta and despite the Rap influence thought it was a series I could get into. It felt like an AKI game and as long as it continued in the same vein it could have surpassed No Mercy (imo). However, EA, in their infinite wisdom, decided Def Jam 2 would be a fighting game so those who are looking for a decent wrestling game look elsewhere.

    Saying that DJV2 does stick to its wrestling roots in a few aspects, the gameplay mechanics are not completely detached from the first game. You still have a selection of strikes and grapples to use, and are able to master different styles (Wrestling, Submission, Martial Arts, Streetfighting and Kickboxing). The blazing moves are still the same as the first game, although now they have been enhanced to be even more over the top, in total there are 84 in the game and they all look pretty devastating.

    The similarities pretty much stop there though, the matches are all set in a variety of different underground venues (although one of these is inside a ring). Each of these venues have specific scenery interaction, weapons and crowd behaviour (determines the aggressiveness of the crowd for joint crowd attacks). The interactivity is integrated well into the game and they are varied enough so as not to get too repetitive, you can just throw or whip your opponent into the crowd/object and hit a direction and A to pull off a manoeuvre.

    The controls are pretty good, there are a few mistakes, for example putting grapple on the same button as picking up a weapon. Counters are implemented quite well, the r trigger being used to block strikes and grapples blocked by performing an attack, though sometimes this doesn?t work.

    There are a few new gameplay modes, most of which are just spin offs of the venues. Window mode, where the object is to throw your opponent through a window, inferno match, where you are surrounded by a ring of fire, train match (cant remember proper name) where you can chuck your opponent onto the tracks to get them run over if timed correctly and demolition match where you fight between two cars which you can throw your opponent into (do enough attacks on your opponents car to destroy it and win).

    The story is improved on the previous game, you start off by drawing a mugshot of yourself (nice touch) and your appearance is quite customisable. The story progresses through a series of cutscenes and phone messages which give you information, these inevitably lead to fights. After fighting (depending on how well you did) you get points and money, points can be spent on improving your skills and buying new blazing moves while money can be used to buy new clothes/jewellery/haircuts, all of which affect your crowd popularity. You can also attain trophies by completing certain objectives (ie. Knocking someone out in under 60 seconds or earning $250,000). This mode is relatively easy and I completed it in about 5/6 hours, which is quite decent for a fighting game. Most of the unlockables can be obtained in the first run through, however some require you to play exhibition matches to unlock.

    The graphics are good and the environments are detailed and destructible, the game does suffer from a bit of slowdown in 4 player mode (depending on whats going on). The camera is fixed which is also a blow to 4 player because it has to follow all the action and usually an object gets in the way or the camera is zoomed out too far.

    Ultimately the game can be viewed from two perspectives. Wrestling fans will be disappointed by a lack of depth (not many moves, CAW isn?t very comprehensive etc) but the story and 2 player mode will prove a good diversion until Smackdown vs Raw (?_?). Hardened fighting fans don?t need to look here as the game isnt really a fighting game per se. Hip-Hop fans will get a kick out of seeing dozens of their favourite Def Jam artists being realistically reproduced and providing their own voices. The game itself is probably targeted at a younger audience (with all the cool street attitude), and although it is a competent game it alienates itself from other demographics because it is never really sure what it wants to be - a wrestling game or a fighting game.


    Edit: Woah, what a long post. Sorry, a bit bored.

    its deserves a 11/10 just because u get to beat up Ice-T


      And Sean Paul and Elephant Man and...


        sod those noobies they have nothing on the budgetness of Ice-T.


          The only good thing about the original Def vam vendetta was that in the intro it said

          "they're too gangster for the garden"


            Originally posted by Olympichero
            and Elephant Man and...
            There's quite a few people who'll wanted to do that around this years MOBO's
            [/controversial mode]

            Aren't Christina Millian and Carmen Electra in this as well ?


              Carmen Electra is and so is Lil Kim, not sure about Christina Millian but she was in the last one so Im guessing she might be one of the unlockables.

