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Mario Tennis GC

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    Mario Tennis GC

    Just arrived from Play Asia today. Only managed an hours play up to now but here are my thoughts so far...

    It starts with the Nintendo and Camelots logo and a comedy FMV intro in a very similar vein to the their other Mario sports gameof this generation, Mario Golf Toadstool Tour. Once passed the title screen, which reminds me hugely in both artwork and style to the one in Mario Kart DD, the fun begins.

    The main choices here are Exhibition, Tournament, 'Mini Games', Continue Game, Statistics and Options. All text in the game including the options is in Japanese. However 99% of it is basic kana and so shouldn't cause any problem to those with a little knowledge of the language.

    I first played a few games in the basic Exhibition mode with Mario against Luigi. The first thing to say is that the game 'feels' right. Thats not to say its realistic...just 'right'. As in a typical tennis game get to the ball quickly and hold down the button for a while before hitting it and you'll peform a more powerful shot. I might be wrong here as i've not quite woeked out the game system properly yet, but it seems that if you do enough power shots in succession you can then perform the characters special shot. Mario pulls out a huge Donkey Kong style hammer and blasts an unstoppable shot straight through the opposition for instance. You can also do a defensive special shot too. Again i've not quite worked out the ins and outs of performing them. Mario does a spin jump across the screen to get to an out of reach ball while Luigi pulls out the hoover from Luigi Mansion and sucks the ball back to arms reach. While fun for a while i can see that pause of the games action and having to watch the animation of these moves could start to annoy me after a while. I guess that theres an option to turn these moves off somewhere and play a more basic tennis game. If you beat and replay the same character then the game takes part at a different time of day. I thought at first that it seemed harder upon successive rematches but then the 3rd match was just as easy as the 1st...maybe i was just getting better?

    I played through the initial Mushroom Tournament easily enough and unlocked a couple of extras. None of which i've had time to explore as yet.

    I've had a quick go on a couple of the mini games. The painting Mario's face one that you may have seen seems very hard on first go. Basically by standing on different parts of the painting on the floor the colour of the paint balls being thrown at you change. You've then got to hit them at the right part of the painting. Once the correct colour is on the correct area that area then becomes the correct colour permanently. The difficulty comes from hitting the high areas. I must be doing something wrong but it seems extremely difficult to get the balls high enough to colour Mario's cap. Again more practice is needed. The other game i've played is based at Ricco Harbour from Mario Sunshine. You're playing tennis against that area's Octopus boss however the court is split into smaller sections. When the ball hits an area then it becomes 'marked'. If you hit the same area with your next return then its game over. Miss it however and you score a point and the marked area changes to the last one hit instead. 20 points are required for a Bronze Medal and 50 for Silver. Unfortunately by the time i'd reached 23 the ball had gotten too fast for me and i cocked it up.

    I've never actually played the N64 version of this game so i don't know how this one compares unfortunately, but i am enjoying it lots so far. How the gimmicky side of the game stands upto long term play remains to be seen, but so far, at the very least it appears to be a very solid 4 player tennis game if nothing else.

    Like yourself got it from PA this morning, i've spend about a hour on it. It is a enjoyable game, need to get my mate round for a 2 player, should be fun. As you said not a serious tennis game and because of that some people wont get it.

    The special move animation does annoy after a bit. Just getting some practice in thrashing mushroom with donkey kong (special move involves a cannon!).

    Also like the ability to change viewpoint (with 'z'), handy on single player if you dont like the top of the screen (this might well have appeared in other tennis games i just haven't seen it before).
    Last edited by Ginger Tosser; 01-11-2004, 21:03.


      Indeed the Gamestars build was good except for the zany moves. If someone can confirm that these can be turned off then I'd quickly put in a preorder. If they're mandatory then this game is being left well alone.


        Originally posted by jcee
        Indeed the Gamestars build was good except for the zany moves. If someone can confirm that these can be turned off then I'd quickly put in a preorder. If they're mandatory then this game is being left well alone.
        I think it's been confirmed by IGN that you can turn these moves off, in their latest hands on preview. That was my biggest concern with this game, as those special moves IMO look as if they'd break the flow of the game. Imagine all four players activating their special moves one after the other(I'd imagine it would get annoying).


          To the best of my knowledge i think you can only turn off the special moves in Exhibition Mode but not Tournament.

          I'll check tonight and let you know.


            really can't wait to get this. when is the us version out (i think i've asked this question like three times in other threads and then forgotten the reply :/)


              US version is out next Monday (8th Nov), got my preorder in with VG+, looking forward as well!
              Last edited by Hulk Davidson; 03-11-2004, 10:48. Reason: date error!


                I'm thinking of ordering this, any chance of some more feedback?


                  You can have some but you might not like it

                  Basically i've been playing it pretty much every night this week and i'm bored silly of it.

                  There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of control over the shots you can perform...certainly no where near as much as IMO the best tennis game ever...Super Tennis on the Super Famicom. So if you take away the Special Shots (which grow extremely tiresome quite quickly) what you are left with is something quite basic.

                  The difficulty ramps up very quickly in single player, but unfortunately the AI characters all seem to have an easy method to beat them. As the game gets harder, instead of forcing you into a skillfull tennis match, you simply have to suss out what tactic beats each character and you're sorted.

                  The Special Courts and bonus games are fun for a while, but again very short lived. Either becoming annoying or stupidly easy very quickly.

                  Played as a party type game for 2 or more players i can see it being quite fun every now and again. As a single player game...i'm not impressed. Not a patch on Mario Golf thats for sure.

                  Very interested in how Ginger Tosser has been enjoying it though...i wonder if its just me.


                    To bet honest haven't played it too much so i still happy with it. I'll try and get a few games in this week.


                      As a fan of Super Tennis and Mario 64, the above criticism does not please me at all.!


                        Some questions for Yoshimoto
                        How does the game compare with the single player MTennis 64 version?

                        How much is power a factor in the matches (not counting the special moves) Is there room for tactics, actually planning points out instead of immediately going for the kill? Are single tap shots effective? Are wide angled crosscourt shots makeable?

                        Is volleying fluid or heavy handed? Do the players dive naturally?

                        Are the surfaces different? I mean does grass feel different to clay or is it all the same? SOmetimes I think Super Tennis is the only game I have played where the surfaces ARE noticeably different in feel. That was 13 years ago for Christ sake, why can't games makers learn from history!?!?

                        Have you played a 5 setter yet? Is it a chore? I find you can tell a lot about a tennis game after playing an extended 5 set match!

                        Are the special courts nice to play on without the funny extras? The Mario Bros court looks perfect, so clear with hardly any distractions!

                        Well if you can or anyone can answer one or more of these questions Ill be grateful!!!

                        *COme to think of it why not bring out Super Tennis 2?!?


                          Originally posted by evert
                          *Come to think of it why not bring out Super Tennis 2?!?
                          That's a question I've asked a thousand times.


                            The N64 version was ****e and comments on here suggest the GC is similar in style content etc. I will rent when it is the in the UK. But with so many other games out at the moment, this would be a waste of money (probably)..

                            Super Tennis is still the king and Virtua Tennis (DC) is great also.


                              How does the game compare with the single player MTennis 64 version?

                              Sorry, no idea. I've never played the N64 version.

                              How much is power a factor in the matches (not counting the special moves) Is there room for tactics, actually planning points out instead of immediately going for the kill? Are single tap shots effective? Are wide angled crosscourt shots makeable?

                              As i said in my previous post, its seems to me that each character falls for the same tactics time and time again. Therefore if you can work out the correct tactic to use against your opponent you pretty much got the game sewn up. Planning points out is extremely difficult because of the special moves. If you give your opponent enough time to build up a special move they'll perform it and you'll lose all your advantage in that point. Once you have reached a certain skill level it seems to be a stalemate unless you use the single tactic that will beat them. Every type of shot is effective in the lower cups. Wide angled shots are certainly makeable.

                              Is volleying fluid or heavy handed? Do the players dive naturally?

                              Thats not something thats really cross my mind so i guess it must be ok.

                              Are the surfaces different? I mean does grass feel different to clay or is it all the same? SOmetimes I think Super Tennis is the only game I have played where the surfaces ARE noticeably different in feel. That was 13 years ago for Christ sake, why can't games makers learn from history!?!?


                              Have you played a 5 setter yet? Is it a chore? I find you can tell a lot about a tennis game after playing an extended 5 set match!

                              Depends. If you play properly and try to have a decent game of tennis then they are very much a chore. As i said further up this post, its just a stalemate and 5 sets seem to go on forever. If you play using the required tactic for each opponent then the 5 sets are over much quicker, but you feel like you are cheating somewhat.

                              Are the special courts nice to play on without the funny extras? The Mario Bros court looks perfect, so clear with hardly any distractions!

                              I might be wrong but i don't think you can play the special courts without the extras elements. If you can i certainly haven't found the option!

                              As i've said, if you've got someone to play this with on a regular basis then i bet its quite good fun and definitely worth the money. Its just that the single player game is lacking.

