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    There are frame rate problems, but as the game is fairly slow paced it's not rendered unplayable. It's well worth a look if you like your FPS games. It's just a shame the PS2 can't handle it all.


      must say this looked **** hot to say the least at the meet


        been really interested to play this for quite some time now...i may just have to get the ol' ps2 out the cupboard for this, hhhmmm, i'll have to see how much i can pick it up for.
        thanks for posting all of your opinions so far


          Just picked this up and dove into online play.
          first impressions -
          Connection is slow the frame rate is dreadfull to the point of trying to aim the reticule is like waving a balloon on the end of a stick.
          I hope the offline is better as the intro has a nice story line.
          more to follow.

          yup offline is just as bad.
          available in a bargin bin soon, what a shame I sooooooo wanted this to be good.

          options do include widescreen and ntsc the later does little for the frame rate though.
          Last edited by huxley; 26-11-2004, 11:20.


            im really enjoying this, its very atmospheric and terse and i like the way the aiming is tricky, adding a little realism. i also thought the weapons were beautifully designed and overall its entertaining. reminds me of ghost recon crossed with doom, and it works well. graphics are great for a ps2 game.

            also, that gamespot review was ****ing rubbish. they're critisisms were stupid, getting at the fact all the enemies look the same. they're SOLIDERS in a UNIFORM you retards.


              maybe I`ll give it another go later.
              Just a thought that it may seem so bad too me is because I`ve been playing halo 2 non stop for the last week.


              2 hours of play later and my final thoughts on Killzone are its crap and only because the PS2 is being pushed and cant handle it.
              So a great looking game you cant fully enjoy because of the under powered format its running on.
              Last edited by huxley; 26-11-2004, 18:13.


                Ok ok I cant give up on this one I so much want it too be better to play, the PS2 deserves it. I,m gonna leave my above post and try to get through it to see if it gets better and god knows I want it to.
                On a plus side you can improve the loading times if you use HD Loader, but make sure you select mode 3 or it wont load.


                  Finished it on rental at the weekend, from this thread it looks like almost everyone here is giving it a miss, I guess it don't compare to Halo2 online.

                  When I started playing, the first thing that hit me was "I'm playing Medal of Honour" - strip away the viauals and it's pretty much the same. A MOH killer maybe, but after Halo the AI leaves a lot to be desired, it feels a bit dead like.

                  One wierd thing happened quite a few times - I'd go around a corner and come face-to-face with a Helgast enemy and he'd just stand there. The shock of not getting a reaction meant that I'd do the same so it'd turn into a staring match. Well it's hard to stare at them when there's no eyes to stare at, maybe they can't even see me with those lamps in front of their eyes. Then there's those masks, must be a killer for the peripheral vision, at least that's what I told myself to keep the suspension of disbelief going.

                  The one impressive bit of AI occurs later in the game when you have your team members backing you up, they take up positions and offer covering fire when needed. They kind of ruin it by shouting "Watch out, behind you!!!" from behind me when I'm taking fire out in front. They also say "keep it upfield!" a lot, which must be a joke as it's completely linear.

                  The framerate is dodgy at first but picks up as you progress through the game; at the half-way point I'd forgotten about the slowness. It kind of works in the context of the game by forcing you to play it tactically through taking up good positions, cos with Timesplitters style fluidity the AI would be ripped to shreds.

                  Speaking of ripped to shreds, the firepower is pretty impressive, I love the Helgast automatic weapon with the secondary blast function, perfect when there's a stream of bad guys coming at you, you run out of ammo and need finish them off quickly. And chainguns. Lots of chaingun action.

                  Overall it feels a lot like the shooting sections of Riddick: high on production but bit ropey and unexciting . Now when's Timesplitters 3 coming out?
                  Last edited by JammyD; 29-11-2004, 12:30.


                    Been playing this today. The design and art direction are superb. Really gritty and monochrome urban. Mention to the architecture which is really solid and 'realistic'.The framerate is choppy, but you get used to it as you play. There's so much detail and effects going on, no wonder the PS2 is choking.The weapon feedback and design are top notch.

                    There's a lot to grumble about in this game but also a lot to like and well worth trying as long as you don't expect the moon on a stick.


                      Had a quick go on this and must say I pretty much suck at it so far. I can see the Enemy coming in the distance but tend to miss due to poor analogue control leaving my team mates to do all the work. Don't like the way there is no noise or rumble to show that I'm actually hitting my target - I just let off rounds and hope I get to move on to the next stage.

                      That said the feeling of being stuck in the middle of a warzone is the most realistic I've come across so far, the sound is amazing and the panic that changing ammo can create mid gun fight is brilliant. Glad I got it so far


                        some nice little features in it like the ladder climbing and weapon reload, apart from that i found it hard to enjoy anything else about it. the aiming bothered me a fair bit. someone said it's 'realistic' but then i point out you're sat playing a videogame... i'd prefer it if i missed a shot because of my own incompetence at aiming rather than the game pretending to be a drunk simulator.

                        mgs had a wonky sniper but you could fix it by taking pills, best of both worlds?


                          Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper
                          mgs had a wonky sniper but you could fix it by taking pills, best of both worlds?
                          Goldeneye and Perfect dark both had wonky snipers, but they had useable analogue sticks to aim with. Problem solved .


                            I've been keeping away from this thread because I've been writing up the review for the site and I wanted to draw my own conclusions without any outside influence. Now it's almost finished I thought I'd jump in and see if I was alone with my critisms of the game...looks like I wasn't


                              Got to say I am loving this game.

                              The controls are perfectly fine you just have to have some skill with the PS2 controller all you people moring about missing are just crap with a PS2 controller. Shut up morning and keep practising.

                              The graphics are great and some of the levels are really fresh, I especially like the level where you are in a swap most of the time, also all the levels within the urban setting are good, especially when you find your self in wide open spaces really gritty and realistic.

                              Yes the AI isn't amazing but play it on hard and you have a reasonably challenge.

                              To finish I will say it is a good game on the PS2 and everyone should atleast give it a try.


                                Its alot better than the beta test code for the network play we got a while ago. I really slated that and was probably premature - its very good I like it, apart from the fiddle PS-2 controller.

