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Feel the Magic

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    Feel the Magic

    Been playing this most of the day at work (between bits of retro writing) and it's pretty good fun.

    There's no denying that its been rushed and with Made in Wario just around the corner, it feels terribly expensive, but it's one of the better launch titles currently available.

    Presentation throughout is gorgeous and is relayed by some fantastic looking cut scenes, that really give the game a distinct charm. Of the 14 mini games I've unlocked so far, many are pretty good and utilise the touch screen very well. The candle game is little more than a gimmick and a few others seither repeat similar events of seem rather pointless. Highlights so far include a Jacjkass styleed downhill trolly dash (which has you trying to clear a route for the incoming cart), a boss fight where you steer a car through oncoming traffic, while catapulting pedestrians and a fleeing car and a game where you shout loudly to get your girl's attention.

    Do the microphone games have any non-microphone alternative control option? I can't see myself wanting to shout at my DS while I'm playing it on the train.


      Originally posted by JamesS
      Do the microphone games have any non-microphone alternative control option? I can't see myself wanting to shout at my DS while I'm playing it on the train.
      You can blow hard on the mic but that seems to be the only other method I'm afraid (will check again later).


        Some do, some don't. You can use the touch screen for the candle game, but you can't for the band music games later on. I'm finding this fun though

        Currently stuck trying to get through the 3 nightmares unscathed though...
        Lie with passion and be forever damned...


          Originally posted by Strider
          You can blow hard on the mic but that seems to be the only other method I'm afraid (will check again later).
          So I guess it's down to you to decide what makes you look less of a twat on the train.

          Hmmm.. it's a bit of a lose / lose situation really, isn't it?


            i would love to give you my opinion on this but import madness have only just got round to shipping my machine

            i'm looking forward to playing and embarassing myself on the bus

            have you got any costumes yet?


              I played this a fair bit earlier. From the screen-shots its presentation shouldn?t really have been such a surprise, but actually seeing it in motion; how the 3D models move and interact with the 2D settings and characters and also how everything flows so smoothly between the two screens (also just how wonderfully vibrant the colours are) it really did catch me by surprise?

              And the music? wow. The sound effects are top-notch but the music itself is something else. It suits the style of the game perfectly? I love the humming. *hums* I think there are some mp3 download correct? I may have to hunt them out.

              Also the humour is very nice indeed ^_^

              Even at the start where you are introduced to a warning message ? ?Do not attempt to recreate any of the situations seen in this game ? and suddenly a women in a bikini flashes on screen accompanied by some joy-joy music. Hehe. Fantastic.

              ?i like how the characters dance, wriggle their bums, wave their hands, skip contently? Also there are some amusing reactions if you poke 'her' in 'Maniac'

              Using the touch screen feels very nice so far. Its responsive and really does feel like a new way to interact with the game. I know Nintendo kept stressing his, but I couldn?t help to fear when we actually got the machine in our hands, it wouldn?t really feel very innovative. But it does. So hurrah

              I agree about the candle mini game though. It did feel like a gimmick didn?t it?

              Anyhoo? I?m enjoying the game so far? though admittedly am loving the music

              edit: Recently done the mini game where you need to shout into the Microphone... heh. I was actually blushing! And i was the only one in the house. It would be funny to see if people would do this mini game whilst on the bus or something
              Last edited by Adam Stone; 25-11-2004, 16:48.
              ----Member since April 2002



                I take back my intital gimmick comment - concerning blowing onto the DS. The candle mini-game really doesn?t do this new feature justice. The yacht mini-game on the other hand is ingenious. Absolutely superb.

                You have to adjust the strength of your blow to push the boat from the bottom screen to the top (the ?girl? is in the water and you need to match the position of the boat with her)

                It really is very clever and excellently executed.

                I took my DS into one of my lectures today and everyone? and I really do mean everyone fell in love with Nintendo?s new device. But it was this feature in particular which made them stand back and say wow more then anything?
                ----Member since April 2002



                  Doh, forgot about the yacht.

                  As Adam as already stated, it works superbly and really shows off the machine.


                    Completed story mode last night. Now to try out hard mode (like you weren't expecting that!) and find some more clothes...
                    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                      Mr Mayhem sir, how exactly do you unlock the clothes?

                      I've somehow unlocked a new pair of lovely white shoes (very sexy indeedy) and also a new hair cut/colour

                      How i got these... i havent a clue. I'm assuming you have to complete the mini games whilst gaining points. And maybe concerning time too? Thanks in advance buddy ^_^
                      ----Member since April 2002



                        You can apparently unlock some clothes by putting Sega GBA games into the GBA port. Anybody tried this yet?


                          It says in the manual Adam

                          You have to touch specific points (which you have to figure out) on the touch screen during the intro sequence to each story bit (the screens before the instructions come up). Hit the right spot, get a rabbit face appear and a new item unlocked if you beat the game. Yeah that's the important part... you have to win the game to get it
                          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                            Oh i see.Those cute little bunnies have poped up a couple of times but i didnt know why. It says it in the manual?! Wow, i'll have to re-read that. heh

                            Another little amusing thing I noticed?

                            I know the Japanese love their? erm? women. And are never too shy to reveal a little bit of flesh here and there (bless them)

                            ? and this is pretty evident if you select the Japanese setting in the language menu.

                            Not only is the text itself changed (no surprises there really) but also the woman on the title screen is missing her bikini! It made me smile at least
                            ----Member since April 2002



                              So is it worth buying then? It sounds pretty good from the impressions here but by what i read there`s quite a few crap mini games in there aswell and heard it ain`t that long either. So are the mini games that are any good got good replay value? I`m not sure whether to buy it from VG+ or just wait for a 2nd hand version to turn up

