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Prince of Persia : Warrior Within

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    Prince of Persia : Warrior Within

    Don't think anyone else has started a First Play thread of this.

    I got it this morning and took an extra long lunch break to play about an
    Hour's worth.

    First impressions are very disappointing....

    I loved last year's game, just for the record.

    The games opening tutorial is very poor, taking place on a pirate ship with the main purpose to get you used to the new combat System. The tutorial give you control of things gradually and without warning. It is very annoying not being given control of the camera at the start.

    The Brief tutorial ends with a rock hard boss battle, a totally crap difficulty spike right at the start of the game, took me about 10 attempts.
    The boss battle is a very obvious nod to Ninja Gaiden's first Boss and the disposal of the foe has many similarities.

    I'm now onto the second area, which is far more familiar territory. I hope it gets going after more extensive play.

    This is NOT what I wanted to hear given that this was my next essential purchase!! Have heard similar things from other folk but am hoping that it is initial impressions that are the elt down.

    REALLY want to know if this is worth getting!!!


      The first boss gave people endless problems at the recent gameshows. I watched the game for a while and didn't see anyone beat her. I didn't play it though, as the combat in PoP (the original) is the most useless, worthless, repetative pile of junk ever created. And, from what I hear, the sequel has even more of it.

      Boof. Bad move Ubi.


        Was looking forward to this one, but so far I've not been overly impressed. Visually it's stunning, but the 'hard edge' prince looks bloody daft, and all that crappy metal wank music is just plain painful.


          just set it to easy so the fights are over in a second. Then get back to the lovly platforming


            This is ass. Another example of "EA-Ubi" - A year ago they were on the cutting edge and now it's more splinter cell, more prince, more ....

            The new style sucks, the daft rock music, the dark tones, the rough around the edges prince.

            Last years game wasn't the best but it did bring a beloved franchise again to the fore - Great ambience etc.

            The first level should be enough to have most people scurrying back to GAME for their 10 day refund.


              The first level isn't that bad, i kinda liked it, once you get into it I think it gets better. It's basically the same as POP1 from what I can see only the combat is much improved. I am looking forward to playing this one all the way through as I did POP1


                Alright, time for the one question: Is the Dagger still here, or did this game lose what was SoT's best and most original mechanic?


                  I think a lot of people will be disappointed in PoP 2.

                  I haven't seen the dagger, although didn't really play that much before turning it off in disgust. Ubi have wrecked what could have been an excellent franchise.


                    Wild-cat ... dagger is gone but something does take its place


                      The first boss is easy.

                      Block whilst she attacks, wait for her to finish and then unleash hell. Repeat 6-7 times and she is no more! Now whats hard about that?


                        Originally posted by No Strings
                        The first boss is easy.

                        Block whilst she attacks, wait for her to finish and then unleash hell. Repeat 6-7 times and she is no more! Now whats hard about that?
                        Come on, once she lays into you she does huge damage. It's a severe difficulty spike.

                        Could also be made harder by the blood streaming from your ears due to listening to the brain dead rock music in the background.


                          Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
                          Could also be made harder by the blood streaming from your ears due to listening to the brain dead rock music in the background.

                          but not really funny considering how they chose to mess this game up...


                            Originally posted by MonkeyWrench
                            Was looking forward to this one, but so far I've not been overly impressed. Visually it's stunning, but the 'hard edge' prince looks bloody daft, and all that crappy metal wank music is just plain painful.
                            Spot on . I just Laughed when the rock music came on, and switched the game off.

                            Major let down. If this was EA then I expect no less. But I expected better from Ubisoft


                              Anyone noticed if the UK version is censored? Or are the decapitations etc still in the game?

