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Conker: Live and Reloaded - Demo

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    Conker: Live and Reloaded - Demo

    Just finished playing the demo on this months offical xbox demo disc and have come away very impressed. The first thing to hit you are the graphics, the cut scenes are unbelievable and then it puts you into the game and they are still up to the same quality. The animation is spot on aswell and the blood splatter hitting the camera lens and dripping down looks pretty neat. As for gameplay well it`s to early to tell as the demo only gives you the saving private ryan take of part on omaha beach against the Teddiz but controls are pretty much the same as halos for aiming your weapon and worked quite well. But seeing that the n64 version was well recieved in the scenarios it offered and by what i played here it looking very promising for the rest of the game. Also a mention has to go to the dialogue which is very funny in places especially at the end of the demo with the surgeon teddiz and the the sgt in the electric chair. Really looking forward to this come release now.

    Yeah, cant wait to get this!

    Even on the n64 split screen the multiplayer was ace, especially where 1 person was the Teddiz and the other(s) were the squirells that had to run form the beach into the safety of the truck. All this while the Teddiz in the command post at the otherside of the map had access to a machine gun, sniper (and rocket launcher?) Was good fun trying to hide behind the rolling hills so the Teddiz couldnt see you while you made a dash for the truck. Hope that mode is still in there

    Hopefully there is like 100% more extra single player! Like Starwars, LOTR, Kill Bill movie stages Whens this out again?

    Also, is the demo out on the UK OXM? ta


      And does the demo have a bit of Live action?


        "Also, is the demo out on the UK OXM? ta"

        yep, plus POP Warrior Within, B3, Otogi 2, The Incredibles and Tiger Woods 2005
        Last edited by VR46; 02-12-2004, 18:59.


          Originally posted by michael
          And does the demo have a bit of Live action?
          nope, only Burnout 3 is Live enabled demo.



            Never mind, just have to buy the full game...


              Originally posted by Hodge
              Just finished playing the demo on this months offical xbox demo disc and have come away very impressed. The first thing to hit you are the graphics, the cut scenes are unbelievable and then it puts you into the game and they are still up to the same quality. The animation is spot on aswell and the blood splatter hitting the camera lens and dripping down looks pretty neat. As for gameplay well it`s to early to tell as the demo only gives you the saving private ryan take of part on omaha beach against the Teddiz but controls are pretty much the same as halos for aiming your weapon and worked quite well. But seeing that the n64 version was well recieved in the scenarios it offered and by what i played here it looking very promising for the rest of the game. Also a mention has to go to the dialogue which is very funny in places especially at the end of the demo with the surgeon teddiz and the the sgt in the electric chair. Really looking forward to this come release now.
              Yeah those 2 Nurses at the end of the demo craked me up (classic British Voice acting ).

              Could agree more with what you said . The graphics are like CGI/FMV fotage, but they are real time. I could swear The explosions are FMV (they look so good) .Lighting effects are just insane. Best looking X-Box game yet.
              Sound is stunning too

              The LIVE play looks like it?s going to be a right laugh. I can?t wait for this my self


                I'm really looking forward to this.

                I think Rare need a bit of a hit, just to restore a bit of confidence.


                  Got to say I was quite disappointed with this, granted I've never played the N64 version so I went into it fresh but I just didnt feel like it controlled well and the shooting seemed a bit......well boring.

                  I didnt get to the end of the demo mind, so I'll give it another go


                    Singleplayer of the original, whilst fun (until the massive swimming section - gave up after that) was crap compared to the glory that was Conker's massive multiplayer mode.

                    CTF is one of the finest maps ever made. It's tight, when playing against bots, I love how my camping forces them to remember where I'm aiming and avoid the hotspots whilst then concentrating on taking me out. Or guarding the sniping alley from the where the flag is kept when the Teddiz launch an attack against you. And you're sweating when you miss one, because you know chances are he is going to outmaneuver the few squirrels that are left to guard the base. He's gone under every sniper's field of fire. There is only one thing left to do, grab the katana, jump off of the roof (whilst dodging the enemy sniper fire) and performing the rolling jump and dropping about 60 feet, right in front of the teddy. No time to waste as he pulls out his machine gun, you HAVE to perform the decapitation move or you're dead (squirrels recoil massively from fire unlike Teddiz).

                    You do it, but now the second wave is coming. It's going to be a long day.
                    The best bit about CTF was the non-symmetrical bases/maps. It meant for a totally different playing experience depending on which force you chose.

                    Can't wait to play this again with crisper textures, more maps and more gameplay tweaks. Bots are where it's at. By the end I was realising you could pull off some zen stuff in that.

                    This better have a bot mode. Singleplayer is where it's at.
                    Heist and Nerve Gas were good as well. The Dino game was an interesting concept. Standard deathmatch was enjoyable, but didn't have much in the way of tactics.
                    Last edited by Crispin; 02-12-2004, 23:51.


                      I found the demo to be a strangely lifeless experience. It was going through the motions, but I was just bored playing it.

                      Nice graphics, but overly long, poorly edited cut scenes which would have worked much better being half as long (and having some music in there).

                      I didn't even finish the demo as it was so little fun. Sad as I actually was looking forward to playing Conker, and had it on pre-order. Can't exactly put my finger on what was wrong with it... it just didn't work.


                        looking forward to playing this. never played the original on N64 but heard good things. is there a release date? [rough]


                          They had best have the original music in there. 'Hiest' and 'Pooland' are absolute classics! They surely rank as some of the best-quality music ever constructed in MIDI.


                            From what I played, graphics were amazing, voices were ****e, gameplay very average


                              It's is just a 1 Level demo of a game for from complete (not due for another 5 months odd). So maybe more music will be added to stuff like the cut scenes.

                              If you didn't like the single mode of the N64 game then you aren't shock horror going to like the Single player remake. Rare had sad that single player mode is just more or less a remake of the N64 game. It's the Live levels that are being built from the gorund up, and are totally new

                              The LIVE modes should be fun as hell. And I can't wait to play through Conkers again with those stuning graphics and sound. Having long got rid of my N64 (big mistake).
                              Just a shame RARE is making us wait so long .

