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Yoshi Universal Gravitation

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    Yoshi Universal Gravitation

    Well my copy finally arrived from Play-Asia and I have played the first two worlds today.

    Firstly for those that dont know you can manipulate the game world be rotating the GBA thus altering the centre of gravity - this allows Yoshi to walk up walls, manipulate swinging pirate ships and roll on large balders. The system works well enough but it does take a while to get used to as you have to juggle rotating the GBA whilst still moving Yoshi in the game world with the d-pad etc, but after the end of the first world you should be totally used to the way the game works. Unlike other Yoshi titles there is no egg throwing, you can eat enemies but they simply vanish rather than becoming handy weapons. Its probably for the best as egg targeting would further complicate the game unnecessarily.

    At the beginning of each level you have a certain target to meet whether it is to collect x number of coins or x number of fruit pieces. These determine your medal/coin rating. You can complete the stage by not meeting the target but you wont be able to play the bonus stages. The bonus stages are decided by a wheel and your chances are greatly increased in getting the bonus stage if you manage a gold rating on the stage. The bonus stages are simple affairs such as collecting coins in a pot and banging two gongs.

    The levels are split into 4 or 5 small subsections which normally have one unique way to manipulate the gravity - for example in section one you might need to rotate the screen in order to walk up two walls and in the second section you may have to smash a wall with a ball and chain. There is a lot of variety in the sections but they are incredibly short so hopefully in later worlds these will be made larger. The game is very easy at the moment, but Im hoping that is because it is still trying to aclimatise the player to the controls. In some sections you also turn into vehicles (a la Yoshi's Island) so far I have only been a hot air balloon but on the back of the box it appears you can be a steamboat among others.

    The presentation is lovely. On the DS the game looks beautiful and the music is chirpy without being irritating. There appears to be many things to collect as all the eggs are stored in boxes, Im sure they unlock something, but what and how I do not know (damn my lack of the Japanese language).

    So far so good as long as the levels get a little longer this should be a pretty good game.

    Sounds it getting a US/UK release ?


      I assume it will but I haven't heard an official date yet.


        The game is actually quite a bit harder as you go along. You don't die very often but the challenges at the beginning of each level can be quite tricky to manage, especially the timed ones. You have to complete a certain number of challenges per world (so far it seems you can get away with just 'completing' 2 levels whilst needing medals on all the others in each world). There is tons of variety in the game and whilst I was a little underwhelmed by the small sections in each level it actually works quite well, you are continually challenged by something new without any real chance to rest.


          Sounds great, I can't wait Aslong as it's more 'Yoshi's Island' than 'Story' i'm sure i'll love it. I need some Nintendo magic for Christmas so i've actually hidden my copy away until then just incase DK Jungle Beat doesn't arrive in time.


            Any more views on this?

            I have been hearing some rather disturbing stuff about this game (i.e it not being very good at all).

            The comments here seem to be rather positive but I would have thought more than just a couple of people would have imported it.

            Any updated views lordcookie?


              Does this play ok on a DS?

              Does it matter which screen you use as it may affect the orientation of the cartridge?


                Originally posted by rjpageuk
                I have been hearing some rather disturbing stuff about this game (i.e it not being very good at all).
                What like? Post them and I'll tell you what I think of the points. I've had it since launch and nearly completed it (been replaying old levels to get higher score) and could probably comment on the problems.

                Agree with all that Cookie has said thus far, the game is very fun and vibrant.

                As per usual with Nintendo it's the little things that have impressed me most. Things like you have to eat all the enemies to get full marks. Some enemies are to high up to reach. So you tilt the Gameboy and the enemy falls down to where Yoshi can reach. Walking up walls because the wall is suddenly a floor by the angle of the GBA always impresses me.

                I've found it works fine on a DS or SP. When you start you choose the icon of the machine you're own and this calibrates the sensor accordingly. Works just as well as Made In Wario 2 and Happy Penachu on all machines.
                Last edited by bowser123; 18-01-2005, 13:30.


                  No specific comments at all which is why I didnt post up anything, it was just a couple of general comments such as this over on rllmuk:

                  Yoshi's Universal Gravitation is the tilt game for the GBA

                  It is ****, officially ****, really really utterly crap. Even the official Nintendo magazine said it was complete and utter crap, and that you were to avoid it like the plague.
                  Also over at gamefaqs a few of the guys werent posting up great impressions on it (although the idiots were probably playing the ROM or something).

                  Anyhow, I await more impressions on this, I am still keeping my eye on it.
                  Last edited by rjpageuk; 18-01-2005, 13:41.


                    I never managed to finish the game due to me selling my DS but unless it deteriates greatly in the second half of the game I think those comments you have highlighted rjp are incredibly harsh. Okay its not anywhere near as good as Yoshi's Island but it was trying something different, it doesn't play like a traditional platform title.

                    I know Edge didn't rate it either but they didn't like Naruto which I loved so its all up to interpretation I guess.


                      NOWHERE I've read has rated it at all... even (as said) the official NOM magazine. Guess that's off the list then...
                      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                        Without even trying it? What kind of fanboy are you?!


                          Bought it today, brought it back after 3 hours. A dreadful game in my opinion. irst 3 worlds include about 4 or 5 novl ideas, repeated too often. In no way does the tilt gimmick compare to Wario Twist....which is about 500 times more innovative than this game. It wasnt even much fun to play, regardless of it being very easy. I played until the 4th chapter, all I can really remember about it now is rocking a boat a few times and rolling out carpets...its that fun.

