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Dynasty Warriors PSP

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    Dynasty Warriors PSP

    Slowly getting through all the games I ordered for my PSP between bouts of RR and Lumines. Fired up Dynasty Warriors earlier and was a little disapointed to see the huge battlefield of the PS2 games has been cut up into smaller sections for the PSP (never paid attention to any of the pre-release game hype so this was new to me). The game plays pretty much the same, but the sectioned battlefield element gives the game a more strategic feel even though the principal is no different to its older brothers. So far it looks like an average game, but I'm enjoying it never-the-less.

    Nice one. How English is it?


      Not very, took a bit of trial and error to get on to the battlefield, but once you suss it it's not hard to get into.


        This would of been my choice of second game after ridge racer, and it looks like the game is rather uninspiring as i was expecting. I found the series to stagnate on full grown consoles, and that playing it on a PSP would be fun initially but at the end of the day is little more than a gimmick to heighten the anticipation of an average game.


          Dynasty Warriors PSP

          Had a first play at this yesterday and its heavy on the Japanese. I'm struggling to work out what to do. I managed to get a game started but I had no idea what I had to achieve. I'd strongly suggest waiting for the US/UK version of this. Will post more real game play impressions if I work out WTF I'm meant to do.



            Worked through the first battle last night and it really started to grow on me. The way the battle has been split up into smaller sub-battles really works in it's favour. Basically you have a map with a network of sub-sections, once you take over a section you can only move to adjascent areas, but if you're already in control of that area you can skip right through it on to the next. This means you don't have to backtrack through miles of terrain when one of your generals is in need of assistance on the otherside of the battlefield. The battles usually take around 5 mins on average, which suits the portable format as not everyone has a few hours spare on the train to work.

            It does have a few problems. Although the PSP handles a screen full of enemies fairly well, there are times where it struggles. Also the introduction of fresh waves of enemies isn't always smooth, as they can just magically appear in front of you.

            It's not perfect, but Koei have done a fine job squeezing such a massive game on to such a small platform.


              Sounds like a good progression of the mechanics of DW4: Empires. Does taking over an area give you any type of advantage over the adjacent areas? (for example lowering the enemies morale, or giving you a power up) I do like the idea of skipping sections though, the game would have an immediate feel, and have a reason for not having horses. (I'm only assuming that they have taken horses out due to processing power)

              As for the stagnation of the DW series, I feel that Koei have been milking it too much this gen, and to be honest both add-ons for DW4 (XL and Empires) should have been on one disc. That said, the jump in gameplay from DW3 to DW4 was a massive improvement, as was the sidestep to Samurai Warriors too. I hope they can continue this trend with the up coming DW5.

              One final question to get this back on topic, How many combo's does each Character have? Has this been scaled down from the PS2 version?


                Does taking over an area give you any type of advantage over the adjacent areas? (for example lowering the enemies morale, or giving you a power up)
                I don't think so, I think it just might lower the enemie count of neighbouring areas as they send in more troops to battle you, thinning out their forces a little.

                Not seen any horses yet, so yes they may have been taken out.

                Not sure about combos either. I'm not a hardcore DW fan, so I'm not that into it, I just kind of run around twating people


                  Can anyone translate the most common menu options. I'm a little lost. When you end a section and are taken back to the map screen, does that mean you've won that bit?



                    Here's a translation courtesy of some guy on GameFAQS (cheers, whoever you are):

                    Main Menu (scrolling downwards)
                    Musou Mode (story mode)
                    Free Mode (play stages you've unlocked in story mode)
                    Subcaptain Camp

                    Game settings
                    -Difficulty (Easy, Normal, Hard, Hardest)
                    -Enemy health gauge
                    -Return to default settings
                    Control Configuration
                    -Movement config (Analog, D-pad)
                    -Bow control (Reverse, Normal)
                    -Button Setting
                    -Return to default
                    Sound Config
                    -Sound effects
                    -Return to Default
                    Memory Stick
                    Game Previews (a movie)

                    Subcaptain camp
                    View Subordinates (see what subcaptains you have)
                    Subordinate exchange (trade subcaptains with another person)
                    Subcaptain File (read information about subcaptains you have. History and that stuff)

                    Before a battle in free or musou mode
                    Form military (pick subcaptains)
                    Battle field information (check out the battlefield)
                    Win/Loss conditions (what conditions must be met to win)
                    Battle Start (pretty obvious)


                      Why does the battle just stop? I don't get it. I'll be trying to fight my way through a map and then it'll just stop once I get going. Very annoying.

                      Do I need to clear every red commander block from each sub-map bit?
                      Last edited by polygon_monkey; 02-01-2005, 18:00.


                        Because you won that section (you hear a cheer when the enemy retreats). The reason it plays like this could be due to numerous reasons. It could be that the PSP isn't capable of handling a whole battlefield like the PS2. Or, it could be that because it's a handheld game it needs to be played in short bursts, as most people don't have a hour to spare on the train/bus on the way to work to complete a level.

                        Each level has criteria, which unfortunately is in Japanese, so I've just been running the map taking over any major areas. That seems to have done the trick so far


                          Hi all,

                          How can i save the game, without losing it?



                            Between battles I think it's the bottom option on the menu.



                              But i tried that before, and i lost all my gametime

