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Outrun 2 Special Tours

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    Outrun 2 Special Tours

    No matter how much people say arcade gaming is dead it still holds a fearsome power over me. I've got a big stupid grin plastered on my face today and it's all thanks to this game.

    There's nothing like an arcade experience. You can transplant the game onto a console, buy the necessary peripherals but it just isn't the same. It's like listening to a live CD versus being at the actual performance.

    I was in Dublin this morning, tried to look interested in shopping with parents for an hour, made some excuse and made a beeline for Dr. Quirkies Good Time Emporium. I waded knee deep through scumbags in Kappa sportswear dropping coins into what must have been 50 or 60 new Pac Man slot machines and got stuck into Outrun2.

    After an hour or so of play I went to have a look around and found Special Tours sitting among all the old **** like Thrill Drive 2 (****ing annoying music and woman scream sound effect going off in my ears ever 30 seconds, stupid Thrill Drive). WTF? I thougt this wasn't even out yet.

    First of all the game looks just magnificent. This is partly down to the great big high definition screen, partly down to the Chihiro's power but mostly down to fantastic graphic design. God bless AM2.. they've reworked many of the old levels and they're just stunning. There's one point where you wind your way down a hill to a lake with huuuge waterfalls, not a hint of slowdown and scale of the scenery is incredible.

    It's not just about visual enhancements though. The gameplay flows alot better. Collisions with traffic and scenery are very forgiving (you brush past in most cases) and the cars spin and fade out when you crash into them so you don't tend to get hemmed in by granny drivers half as much. Zipping in around traffic is much simpler so they've been able to up the complexity of the stages quite a bit. There are less long single turns and more zig zags and sequences of bends. The emphasis has moved more from fighting with the traffic to taking the turns correctly.

    I tried a couple of the new vehicles and they were rather slow and well mannered so I stuck with the Testarossa after that. Some stats on the cars would be helpful. Maybe they were there but I didn't seem them.

    I'm not that fantastic at Heart mode so I didn't see many of the challenges. There was one where you had to run over ghosts in the forest who sort of scuttled out of the way in an endearing fasion. Another challenge ran for the whole stage and put you racing against 8 rivals. Racing through hoops and collecting coins seemed a bit gimmicky to me. They're essentially the same thing as sliding on the red/blue bands and looked rather naff.

    I didn't play the time attack mode on the old Outrun 2 but SP saves the ghosts of the best times which is nice. You also get a password at the end to submit to the world rankings.

    So in summary; nice cabinet, nice looks and oh boy does it play nice.

    Also played Ghost Squad and I really didn't like it. You rest the rifle on your shoulder. This makes looking through the sight sort of iffy. The game has to put a cursor on the screen to make things clearer.. never a good sign. There are two triggers, and a firemode toggle. You can switch around the toggle to automatic, 3 shot burst or single. All a little pointless. The screen is rotten with hostages and friendlies. You can use the front trigger to handcuff them (hold the pointer and hold it untill the handcuff bar fills). This doesn't really work very well because the enemies tend to jump out and shoot at you with practically no warning.

    It's like a poor mans Crisis Zone. You don't want to give the player a machine gun and fill the screen with hostages. The enemies are bastards for using them as shields and running around in them too. At least in Virtua Cop 3 you could hit the bullet time slow down if you needed to pick some of them off carefully. Ghost Squad doesn't signpost attacks properly, looks dull and overcomplicates things. It seems a real step back from VC3 which I simply adore.

    They had Initial D 3rd Stage. Lots of asian kids playing it. I've never really 'got' this game. Looks the same as the last version.

    That new Namco Initial D clone was there too. Midnight Wagan or something? Looked ****.

    Played a bit of Tekken 5. Christ, what a mess. Graphically it looks like a step back from Tekken 4. The levels are really dreary and the effects are incredibly tatty. Big chunks of concrete splash up into the air when you're character falls over. It's like he fell in a lake. Loads of people playing it of course. They had 3 ****ing cabinets and they were the busiest things in the whole place. In all the years I've been going there I've only ever seen someone play Virtua Fighter once. I just don't get it..
    Last edited by Molloy; 08-01-2005, 22:28.

    Best news ever!! Outrun2 SP in the UK.

    Well thats my day sorted...i'm going around all the arcades within reasonable driving distance in an attempt to find a cab somewhere up North. I'm hoping the Namco place at Meadowhall will have this as they've recently gotten rid of their original Outrun2 cabinets...will report back later.

    EDIT - Well i've been around all my local(ish) arcades but no Special Tours.
    I was talking to one of techs at Namco Meadowhall and although he doesn't know when they are getting it he's certainly heard of it and didn't say that they weren't getting that inspires a little confidence i guess.
    Last edited by Yoshimoto; 09-01-2005, 15:15.


      Marubaku now have a preview video up for those interested. Looks stunning.

      Can't direct link to the video for some reason so click this link and the link to the video is then within the thread...


        They have it at Trocadero in London, if anyone is interested and didn't know.


          I hate putting ?1 in a arcade machine, so I won't be having many go's on this.

          It just sounds so bloody amazing though, like a dream, I just hope and pray Sega bring it to the home!
          Last edited by Leon Retro; 15-01-2005, 18:54.


            Can someone update me as Ive been out of the loop a bit. I know what Special Tours is but is it coming to Xbox in any region at all?

            Someone told me its going to be bundled into the Japanese version but I cant find confirmation of that at all.


              That was rumoured, then denied by one of the Sumo guys. It's in a thread in Headlines somewhere.


                On a side note, has anyone seen the Rave Racer Super Replays they've recently added?!

                Last edited by Lyrical Donut; 16-01-2005, 11:35.


                  Originally posted by Lyrical Donut
                  On a side note, has anyone seen the Rave Racer Super Replays they've recently added?!

                  Wonder if that technique works on Ridge Racers!!


                    Originally posted by Molloy
                    Also played Ghost Squad and I really didn't like it. You rest the rifle on your shoulder. This makes looking through the sight sort of iffy. The game has to put a cursor on the screen to make things clearer.. never a good sign. There are two triggers, and a firemode toggle. You can switch around the toggle to automatic, 3 shot burst or single. All a little pointless. The screen is rotten with hostages and friendlies. You can use the front trigger to handcuff them (hold the pointer and hold it untill the handcuff bar fills). This doesn't really work very well because the enemies tend to jump out and shoot at you with practically no warning.
                    Hate to be a cock, but you did use the IC card, yes? The whole game is designed for progression with it - you can turn it into a Virtua Cop clone if you want. The machine gun is to bring in the passing trade ala the HOTD3 shotty.

                    Originally posted by Molloy
                    That new Namco Initial D clone was there too. Midnight Wagan or something? Looked ****.
                    That would be Maximum Tune which is two years old and running on Renderware on a Chihiro box, which explains the ropeyness of the visuals. However, the game is mint and the music doesn't make you sound like Elton John (SPACEBOY NIGHT OF FIRE OOH I'M A BATTY). I assume you've played it as much as you have ID3 so you could make a valid judgement. Oh.


                      I'm pretty sure Maximum Tune came out in 04. I remember reading about it last Spring. These are just quick impressions. I don't claim to have a any valid judgements, didn't get enough time with these games to form any. All I can say is that has to be the ugliest cabinet ever made. Why can't Namco/Sega just make a JAMMA racing cab instead of these stupid deluxe ones?

                      The Ghost Squad cabinet didn't have the card system activated. Few cabs in the west do. I played 3 games and found the gun poor and the gameplay unforgiving. If this were Japan the card system would work and I'd be able to play for 30 to 35 cent. In that case I'd be willing to give the game time to grow on me. As it costs 1euro a pop I'd much rather play Special Tours/VC3 which give you a good 5+ minutes of gameplay even on your first go when you're crap at them. When I pay 1e a pop I want a difficulty curve.


                        I finally got to play this today and wow, it's absolutely unbelievable. The graphics are so much more impressive than OutRun2! Stunning vistas, absolutely stunning and some lovely effects.

                        Nice to see the 1986 tunes in there too, but no Jacques remixes? Bit of a shame.

                        So annoying that this will likely never come home. Such an amazing game. And to think how many platforms the original OutRun was on, preserved forever as a timeless classic. And now this one will have it's brief glow in the arcade then disappear. I guess it will come to MAME in about 5 years time...


                          Where did you find it Neko?


                            Without having yet played either OR2 or OR2SP, even I can tell you OR2SP is the greatest videogame ever made!!!!!


                              Went by Namco Station last night at Trafford Centre and to my delight they had a 2 player SP cab installed within the last few weeks.

                              Sadly I only had about 20 minutes free time before Star Wars was due to start so inly got chance to have a couple of races but came away mighty impressed. It may just be Out Run 2 all over again but the game plays so damn well, I don?t care.

                              However, and I?m sorry for sounding like a graphics whore, but throughout both runs through my jaw was at my ankles. I just can?t believe how good some of the stages look with the sheer scale and scope of the backgrounds being truly staggering. It really does make Out Run 2 look quite barren in comparison. Racing along with massive cliff faces and gushing waterfalls alongside you is immense

                              The game even seems to be forcing the player to make these comparisons too by throwing in stages that resemble those in the Out Run2 but giving them a thorough facelift. For example, take the left route on the first stage and you are taken to a stage very similar to the same route in the original with a massive suspension bridge. However in SP you first see the bridge on the apex of a small hill and the view is staggering with a winding road ahead of you before you get to the bridge, yet you can see it all from practically the start of the stage. You feel like you can see for miles.

                              And the forest stage. Just WOW! With massive tree branches stretching across the road you feel more like you are in a low ceiling tunnel than a forest. Absolutely incredible.

                              I should be getting out of work early on Thursday so I?m gonna head there afterwards and pump that days wages in it. Want to try all the cars, routes and music selections out. But more importantly I need to work on PWNING Heart Attack mode. May also give the original Out Run2 course a run through to see if it has been enhanced in any way.

                              Sega. Out Run 2SP conversion for next gen please.

