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Robotech Invasion

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    Robotech Invasion

    Where to start....

    Well its only ?20, not sure why i picked up seems to be more multiplayer than single and the retelling of the Robotech story,(one thats already a badly retold Macross) modern american cartoon style is kinder grating like that Battletech cartoon years ago, but what really ticks me off is NO VERITECH's, let me repeat that A ROBOTECH/MACROSS GAME WITH NO VERITECH. It would be like StarWars with no X-wing. Other major changes, the 'Invid' are not longer gaint alien's in pod's but hive-mind like aliens and the infamous 'Black skull' Team is now a bunch of savages/bandits that attack the humans, its quite insane.

    Anyway to the game, it play like a cross between tribes(with less moblity) and Unreal Tournament, 1st or 3rd person, standard Halo weapons, grenade, melee button and instead of veritech we get a Jump suit that can turn into a bike, The Suit can double jump(no idea if it can sustain flight, could be upgradable) and quick dodge, while the bike goes fast, hard to control and hitting anything returns you to suit mode, the bike comes equiped with Homing missles that only work on the invid. Beyond the the game it very average in single player, the graphics are very playstation2 2nd gen, and looks like a turd on my xbox. The A.I. is more by the numbers, but they will take cover behind that huge shield arms and run away if close up on a weak spot(the huge eye) which they protect, but then you can blow of their arms and major weapons to alow better access to the weak points.

    Multiplayer, i can't play this on live being my xbox is currently band and it can be play 1-8 player system link, but there is not splitscreen support or single player system bot system. i can see being enjoyable over mutliplayer its very quick game and the bike action could be enjoyable in qide areas.