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Donkey Kong: King of Swing: GBA

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    Donkey Kong: King of Swing: GBA

    Just picked this up today and have to say I am enjoying it, a refreshing change to the usual GBA platformers

    For those who don't know our friend DK is guided just using the L and R buttons to rotate himself and grab onto the next peg. By holding L and R together you can charge up and destroy enemies and shoot yourself to pegs futher away

    The control system takes a little getting used to, but before long you are swinging away with the best of them. Level design is very good with lots of fiendish puzzles like levers you need to pull and moving pegs to negotiate. Rocks you can grab and throw at opponents carefully timing the right angle when to throw.

    Music is catchy and the graphics are some of the best 2D I have seen on the GBA, lovely sprite design.

    I don't know how long this game will last, but I think it'll be a great pick up, put down puzzler/platformer.... very good fun so far - I would recommend

    Last edited by AllYourBase; 04-02-2005, 11:35.

    my frothing demand for this is rising


      is it one the wife would enjoy as in a puzzler like Denki Blocks/Tetris or is it more action like Kuri Kuri Kuirin. For some reason the slower the game the more its liked with my folks


        more action, it's a puzzler too don't get me wrong, but it requires skill as well, not just brainpower!


          Got this yesterday - fantastic, looks great on my DS too, really enjoying it. I'm onto the second set of levels so far - how many is there in total?


            Its shame realy big shame theres so little talk about this jewel of game.I think it is truly a masterpice with that amazing aura of those great golden video game classics we so...wait have i gone too far? no i dont think so.I m over 90% if not 100% objective now...Its beautiful and heart warming game with great character.Finally DK is back with great charm.It may have 1 or 2 tiny frustrating moments but if you are veteran game<lover go fly like an arrow to game store and buy it otherwise...

            I recomend it very very strongly.

            Moving around with DK doing simplest things over and over gives great pleasure.Very hard to master but extremly fun all th time.And whats really special it has also a puzzle game structure.
            But who is Paon?Looks like its second-party game...Nevermind-DK is in right hands again.

            thats it.for now

